Books that make you think

"So many books, and so little time" - those who can not imagine a day without a book, see a part of themselves in this phrase. In the book world, you can find answers to many questions that worry the soul. There are books that make you think, which are a certain light, thus helping to look at the world with other eyes, to reconsider your values ​​and life guides.

List of books that make you think

  1. "The Catcher in the Rye," J. Salinger . This work will help your reader understand why it's worth living and fighting for. The book tells you about a young man from New York, who is daily faced with hypocrisy, human falsity.
  2. " The Empire of the Angels", B. Verber . A bit of a fantastic story in which, after his death, the hero becomes the guardian angel of the three personalities, accompanying them all his life.
  3. "A Seagull named Jonathan Livingston", R. Bach . Jonathan is a seagull, but it was so customary that a flock turned away from him. And, despite the feelings of spiritual bitterness, he does not focus on failures, but chooses freedom and a life full of adventures.
  4. "I would choose life," T. Cohen . From the fact that Jeremy rejected his second half, he decided to commit suicide. However, after 2 years he wakes up with the same beloved girl in the same bed and does not even suspect what kind of a lesson and tests the universe gives him.
  5. "The Alchemist", P. Coelho . There are so many simple truths in a small work. Santiago goes on a journey not only to find treasures, but also to understand what is the meaning of life.
  6. "100 years of loneliness", G.G. Marquez . This book, which makes us think about life, is written about how much the life path of each of us is.
  7. "Self-knowledge", N. Berdyaev . Here you will find a series of reflections on inspiration, creativity, God, the search for meaning and about the unconventional vision of the world.
  8. "Bury me behind the plinth", P. Sanaev . Relationship in the family. The grandmother's despotism, which because of the lack of her wisdom, has ruined the lives of many. The autobiographical story was not so long ago filmed.
  9. "Fried green tomatoes in the cafe of polustanovik", F. Flagg . Having opened the books, from the first pages you will be enveloped by the atmosphere of love, mutual understanding and kindness. There is no room here for hypocrisy, evil and aggression .
  10. "451 degrees Fahrenheit", R. Bradbury . One of the best books that make you think. After all, not only does it show how stupid the world is without books, it helps to open eyes to strong personalities, those who are not meditating, are ready to give their lives for the sake of all mankind.

Books on psychology that make you think

  1. "Psychology of influence", R. Chaldini . Have you ever thought that without leaving home, each of us undergoes manipulation both from outside and from television screens? The book will teach you to correctly perceive what you hear and see, teach you how to make decisions that are not imposed by society and stereotyped thinking.
  2. "How to stop worrying and start a life," D. Carnegie . A connoisseur of human relations will answer all questions related to life problems, failures, the search for oneself, the discovery of the inner potential and the first steps towards real life.
  3. "Men from Mars, women from Venus", J. Gray . A book that makes you think about why it's sometimes so hard to understand the opposite sex. The American family psychologist will answer all the questions that arise, thus helping to strengthen your relationship with your loved one.
  4. "Psychology of lies", P. Ekman . Every sphere of human life, one way or another, is permeated with insincerity. True, microscopes are capable of giving out duplicity, regardless of the social status of a liar.