Hydrangea panicle Vanilla Freize

The hydrangea, stunning with its beauty, is a must-have of any self-respecting horticulturist who enjoys with all his heart the bright and fluffy blossom of the bush. Now the plant has many species. However, truly popular are the paniculate representatives of this culture, which are distinguished by their large inflorescence in the form of a panicle. Particularly impressive is the hydrangea panicle Vanilla Freize. It is about this beauty and will be discussed.

Hydrangea panicle "Vanilla Freize" - description

The variety is a fairly fast growing shrub which, with proper care, reaches a height of up to two meters. The deciduous plant has a spreading crone with an uneven and freely growing form. On dark brown shoots with a cracking bark in the spring appear elongated and slightly rough egg-shaped leaves.

But the flowering of "Vanilla Freize" requires detailed elaboration. It begins in June and lasts all summer until September. Large, lush, pyramidal inflorescences during the dissolution show a milky white color. However, with flowering, a gorgeous, gently pink hue is acquired, which darkens as the golden autumn approaches, until it becomes almost crimson. Among the varieties of hydrangea, the panicle Vanilla Freize is considered the most pink.

Hydrangea panicle "Vanilla Freize" in landscape design

In European landscape design this sort of hydrangea has earned extraordinary popularity. "Vanilla Freize" is most often used for various types of gardening: the formation of hedges, mono-massifs and as an element of compositions in mixborders, usually planting, because of high growth (1.5-2 m) in the back, rarely medium background.

Although the plant itself looks spectacular and impressive, especially towards the end of the summer, it is sometimes combined with a cuff, a host , a highlander, or an odor. The hydrangea is usually located in the center, and it is surrounded by low-growing crops.

Hydrangea panicle "Vanilla Freize" - care

Long and airy flowering is guaranteed only by the proper care of Vanilla Freize:

  1. Soil and planting. Responsible should be the selection of the site for planting, as the variety prefers weakly acidic soils. The place should be well lit by direct sunlight. True, hydrangeas are suitable and plots in the penumbra. Landing is produced depending on the region. For example, in the cold northern regions, "Vanilla Freize" is planted in the spring. In the southern regions, in addition to spring, the procedure is carried out in the autumn. The pit for the seedlings is dug to a depth of 30-40 cm with a similar diameter. When planting, the root collar of the decorative plant is not buried, but located at the level of the earth's surface. If you plant a few hydrangeas "Vanilla Freize" on the site, the distance between them should be about a meter.
  2. Watering. Care for a hydrangea panic "Vanilla Freize" must necessarily include abundant watering. Especially it is necessary in hot weather. Wet should be the entire stockade circle. Grateful hydrangea will react with an ineffable flowering blossom.
  3. Top dressing. In the spring, liquid mineral fertilizers are introduced into the near-bottom circle every two weeks until August.
  4. Pruning. From the quality of the cuttings produced in the hydrangea of ​​the panicle Vanilla Freize, inflorescences directly react. The more length you shoot at the shoots in spring, the larger the inflorescence will grow, and vice versa. So sorry to bush when pruning is not worth it.
  5. Shelter for the winter . Variety "Vanilla Freize" is distinguished by high rates of frost resistance. It carries a cooling to -35 ° C. Adult shrubs do not need shelter, but young plants are sprinkled with sawdust, straw, fallen leaves for winter.