Hyperopia in children

For today, ideal vision is quite a rare phenomenon. As a rule, the root of all ophthalmic problems lies in childhood, when habits of a wrong way of life are formed. The child gives too much strain to the optic nerve with diligent studies, reading under insufficient light, a long pastime in front of the TV and computer. All this leads to impaired vision, development of myopia or farsightedness. Hyperopia in children - the inability to see clearly objects at a distance of 20-30 centimeters. This is a special problem and its solution requires a special approach.

The cause of hyperopia in children under one year are anatomical features. The size of the eyeball of newborns is less than normal and because of this the focus of the refracting rays transmitting the image is shifted beyond the retina. As a result, an unclear, distorted image is formed on the surface of the fundus.

Within the normal range, a one-year-old child has hyperopia up to 3 diopters. Then, as the eyeball grows, the focus of the image gradually moves to the retina, where it should be in a healthy person.


In some cases, the infant's hyperopia index exceeds 3 diopters. In order to normally see objects that are at close range, the child constantly has to strain his eyes and in the process of growth the lack of vision is not compensated. As a result, another problem arises. Due to the fact that indistinct images enter the cerebral cortex, the brain lacks the stimulus for the active development of neurons. The functions of the brain cells are reduced. And this, in turn, leads not only to reduced visual acuity, but also to amblyopia.

Amblyopia is a visual defect that can not be corrected by wearing glasses, as it is caused by changes in the functioning of the brain. This phenomenon develops only in children, because their psyche is still quite plastic and unstable to change.

Hyperopia in children, signs

It also happens that hyperopia does not have pronounced signs due to the compensation of vision through natural accommodation. That is, the eyesight of the child seems to be good, but the eyes are constantly overexerted. To diagnose such far-sightedness can only the ophthalmologist, therefore it is necessary to visit it at least once a year for the purpose of prophylaxis.

Hyperopia in children, treatment

If the problem is ignored and the timely treatment is not started, hyperopia may provoke conjunctivitis, and then develop into amblyopia. Running amblyopia, in turn, can lead to strabismus.

Treatment of hyperopia and its consequences, first of all, is carried out by wearing positive glasses and lenses slightly weaker than the degree of hyperopia. This technique stimulates the growth of the eyeball. Also there is a hardware vision treatment, gymnastics for the eyes. All procedures are painless, include game elements and are well tolerated by children. The frequency of treatment courses and a set of methods is determined by the doctor. Laser vision correction is only feasible after 18 years.

Exercises to correct hyperopia

  1. In the sitting position, slowly turn your head to the right and left, while taking a look.
  2. At a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes place a small object or toy. Watch for 2-3 seconds, then quickly look at the subject and look at it for 5-7 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  3. At a distance of 0.5 m from the eyes with your right hand, make small circular movements, watching your fingers with your eyes. Repeat the same with your left hand, turning the other way. Repeat 5-7 times.

Repeat exercises should be done daily.