Calcium for pregnant women

One of the most important elements, which in sufficient quantity should be present in the body of a nursing woman and a pregnant woman, is calcium. Thanks to him, the problems with bearing a fetus are much less. Based on the results of the analysis, calcium for pregnant women is often prescribed by the doctors of the women's consultation.

When to drink calcium during pregnancy?

In no case should you decide independently on the use of calcium preparations for pregnant women. Prescribe treatment with this medicine can only be observed by an obstetrician-gynecologist. After carefully studying the results of all laboratory tests and discovering other signs of calcium deficiency during pregnancy, he prescribes a course of taking pills or injections. The manifestations of deficiency of this element in the mother's body include:

It is believed that for future mothers excess calcium during pregnancy can not be harmful. However, this is an erroneous opinion. It has been scientifically proven that the excessive ingestion of this microelement into the mother's body is fraught with a huge burden on the kidneys and heavy delivery. Strange is the situation with the baby, which, incidentally, can and itself produces a certain amount of calcium in your body. The uncontrolled process of taking calcium supplements is fraught with consequences for the fetus such as:

Therefore, it is so important to observe the rate of calcium for a pregnant woman, established by a doctor. Ideally, it is about 1.5 grams per day, but since the process of bearing the fetus in all women is different, then the norm for each will be different.

Products containing calcium for pregnant women

Of course, this is all dairy products, represented by a variety of cheeses, yogurts, yogurt and curds. It is very effective to use homemade milk, eggs, sour cream and whey. Some food producers specifically enrich their products with calcium, so it is worthwhile to carefully study the label before buying. However, not everyone can afford regular use of such food for various reasons. Then you should get calcium in pill for pregnant women. There are many options for producing this drug, so try to give advantages to a reliable and tested product.

What is the best calcium for pregnant women?

In addition to tablets of conventional calcium, there are many more analogues with a wider spectrum of action. For example, calcium chloride during pregnancy helps not only to restore and keep the level of this element in the body of the mother and child, but also is quite effective in eliminating manifestations of allergies or skin diseases. It also makes sense to take sea calcium during pregnancy. This biologically active additive in its composition additionally has magnesium, selenium, zinc and vitamin C. Another useful ingredient is yeast, which favorably affects hair and skin.

Among other substances, calcium for pregnant women is of the greatest importance. Though, do not forget that Vitamin D contributes to its better absorption, and an element such as folic acid contributes to the laying of a strong nervous system in the fetus, proper brain functioning and universal development.