Arbitrary Memory

Memory in a person's life plays a very important role, both in work, in studies, and in personal life. Let's consider what memory is and what is an arbitrary memory in psychology.

Memory is a kind of mental activity that is designed to preserve, accumulate and use information to organize human activities. Without it, a person can not think and learn.

Types of memory are classified according to several criteria:

Arbitrary memory is a concept that means the process of a person's psychology, which is carried out through the control of consciousness, by setting a specific goal and using special techniques, as well as in the presence of willful efforts. That is, if a person sets himself the task of remembering something, then this kind of memory is included in the work. Arbitrary memory presupposes a clear goal of remembering something that a person puts and makes his own efforts. The presence of random memory helps a person in further activity, mental development and the formation of personality. Memory with random access is a goal and a task to capture, to keep in mind, and also to reproduce any knowledge, skills or facts that were acquired in the past. This is the most productive type of memory of all that a person has.

Development of random memory

It is easier to carry out this process from childhood and consists of the following:

  1. Teach the child to understand the task. For this, the most effective way is to play, thanks to which there is a clear task before him to remember and recall. During active remembering the child repeats all several times. This kind of memorization is assimilated by children and then, when setting the task, he mentally returns to the situation when he memorized the process and gives out the necessary information.
  2. Learn techniques that are aimed at getting an understandable purpose to remember and reproduce. Here it is required to develop the method of "repetition", since it is most easily formed and for its mastering one does not need to learn any actions earlier. Repeat reception will pass into a form in which the child will repeat not during the formation of the task, but after its reception. Ie he will independently reproduce the task.
  3. To learn to control the results of the fulfillment of the goal, to conduct a self-test. The purpose of the audit is to correct the mistakes made and not to repeat them in the future.

All the same you can do in adulthood. It is important only to spend a little more time on this process. Develop your memory and you will be successful in all areas of life.