Jennifer Lawrence revealed the reasons for the break with Darren Aronofsky

The actress rarely gives candid interviews, but after a shocking statement about the end of her career, Jennifer decided to make it clear. The actress told her colleague Adam Sandler for the Variety magazine project about personal experiences and the reasons for the break with director Darren Aronofsky.

Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky

As it turned out from the conversation, there were several reasons for the gap, starting from fatigue and disappointment in each other, and ending with the difficult filming of Darren Aronofsky's new film "Mom!" In which the actress played the main role:

"Darren was completely absorbed in his film, for him he was akin to a child. Talk, discussion, presentation, tour, he was ready to talk about him incessantly. I played my role irreproachably in public, attracting attention to the film, but then I wanted to abstract and give myself time to "restore". Even when we were alone in the hotel room, the discussion continued. I was torn, I had to perform the roles of my beloved woman, partner, friend. I was tired and the only thing I wanted to say to him: "For God's sake, can we not think about the film at least here?". At the end of the filming and the tour, I could not support him and finally realized that I did not want to talk about the film. "

The relationship between the actress and the director finally reached a deadlock, when, after the first laudatory reviews, criticism and negativity arose:

"It's incredibly hard to be objective and at the same time support a beloved man who devoted his life to making a movie. It was difficult for me to remain indifferent in such cases. Knowing the backstage of the film and how much work we invested, I threw myself into defense. At the very beginning of the tour, none of us fundamentally read the criticism and now, when I see the result and I get information about the perception of the film - I see no reason for excuses and protection. But Darren thinks otherwise. "

Jennifer believes that in the perception of criticism, adequacy and balance are necessary. Darren, in the opinion of the ex-lover, went to extremes:

"On the tour, he constantly read negative reviews - it was on the edge, everything was very painful to them, and, of course, me. I could not explain to him that this is self-destruction and he should not justify himself in the interview. There will always be people who do not like something, you must believe in your work. "

Fatigue and constant emotional conversations led to the fact that Jennifer began to break down on others, fans and journalists:

"As soon as I appear in a public place, immediately to me increased attention. A protective reflex works instantly, I become rigid and rough. If someone approaches me in a restaurant or when I want to rest and calmly eat and chat with a friend, I immediately "send", and for the most insistent sefers can show the middle finger. "

The actress added that if before she tried to keep herself in hand, politely refusing to take photos, rose and left, now, she is tired of being unceremonious and reacting accordingly.

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Recall that the novel between Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky began last spring while working on the film "Mom!", Although officially confirmed only in the fall. Western journalists are not in a hurry to put an end to the couple's relationship, hoping that when the passions around the movie "Mom!" Settle, they will reconcile again.