Garlic arrows in Korean - recipes for piquant snacks for every day and for the winter

Popular hot salads of Asian cuisine can be bought not only in specialized stores, but also prepared at home. One of the most piquant options are garlic arrows in Korean, the recipe of which involves the use of germinated plants.

How to cook garlic arrows in Korean?

In order to deliciously cook garlic arrows in Korean, you need to consider certain points, which are as follows:

  1. In food use long arrows, which did not have time to harden. In order not to miss this moment, it is necessary to take a closer look at the plant. It is better to cut more arrows, since they are perfectly preserved in the refrigerator, wrapped in food film or plastic bag, so each mistress will provide herself with a delicious preparation for at least 10-14 days.
  2. Garlic arrows are used with seasonings of Korean cuisine or marinade of own preparation. In this case, spices are recommended to be purchased in Korea. If these were not found on the shelves of the store, it is recommended to prepare a marinade of vinegar, sugar and spicy spices, then it will be possible to achieve the original taste.
  3. The prepared dish is eaten immediately or rolled into banks for the winter.

Garlic arrows marinated in Korean

Mistresses, who collected a rich harvest of garlic, have a unique opportunity to make pickled arrows of garlic in Korean. Pickles are obtained no worse than from the usual cucumbers. They are great for ordinary boiled potatoes and will be a piquant addition to both the daily dinner and the festive table.



  1. Prepare and sterilize the banks.
  2. Cut the arrows with chopsticks.
  3. In the pan, pour out the oil, pour out a portion of the seasonings and sticks.
  4. Add vinegar, sugar and the rest of the spices.
  5. Stew until the greens are dark olive.
  6. Spread the billet on the jars and pour in the brine. For a day leave in sight, and then put it in a dark place.

Appetizer from the arrows of garlic in Korean

An interesting dish, full of vitamins, is a snack from garlic shooters in Korean. It can be prepared from both fresh shoots and frozen ones. It is easiest to prepare a snack of sticks with a length of at least 3 and not more than 10 centimeters. To make delicious garlic arrows in Korean, the recipe allows that they should be seasoned with spicy spices or marinade from balsamic vinegar or freshly squeezed juice.



  1. Arrows blanch. Add all the ingredients except the oil.
  2. Heat oil and pour into a snack, mix everything.

Fried garlic arrows in Korean style

Perfectly combine with rice or potatoes fried arrows of garlic in Korean. As a garnish shoots blanch in a small amount of oil in a frying pan under the lid. When making such garlic arrows cooked in Korean, the recipe will first of all be appreciated by lovers of hearty and rich dishes.



  1. Arrows fry until softened.
  2. Add the remaining components.
  3. The dish is kept on the fire until the liquid thickens.

Garlic arrows in Korean with carrots - recipe

A traditional Asian dish can be called garlic arrows with carrots in Korean. The dish has a piquant spicy taste due to the addition of various spices, and the presence in its composition of vegetables will make it extremely useful. As a result, you can get a dish with an unrivaled taste and an impressive range of vitamins.



  1. Arrows blanch, cool them.
  2. Vegetables to grind. All components are connected.
  3. Add seasonings, lemon juice and butter. Mix again, set aside for two hours.

Salad of garlic shooter in Korean style

On any feast, a spicy, spicy salad of arrows of garlic in Korean will take root. When cooking, the hostesses will be able to show their imagination to the fullest and use a set of condiments that they like most. An important point that should be taken into account when cooking garlic shooters in Korean is done is that you do not have to keep them in a frying pan, otherwise they will turn into porridge.



  1. Arrows cut, fry, attach the remaining components.
  2. Hold the arrows on the stove until dark olive-colored. Cool and serve to the table.

Garlic arrows in Korean - recipe for winter

Treat yourself to a spicy dish not only in summer, but in the cold season you can, if you make garlic arrows in Korean for the winter. They can be marinated, stored in cans and periodically used as an original snack or complement as a side dish to potatoes or rice. Each hostess takes a set of spices to her taste.



  1. The arrows are cut, combined with other ingredients and stew until dark olive.
  2. Distribute to sterilized banks.

Garlic Arrows in Korean - recipe with meat

A delicious and high-calorie dish will be arrows of garlic in Korean with meat. They will leave truly indescribable, due to the fact that pork or beef will be filled with garlic flavor and will be flavored with spicy spices. Some housewives use a very unusual recipe for garlic shooters in Korean, they are sweetened using honey or sugar.



  1. Fry the meat and add the onions. Stew until semirings become transparent.
  2. Sauce to dilute with water (150 ml), add seasoning and starch. Beat well.
  3. Arrows and meat combine, pour mixture. Stew the dish for about 7 minutes.