Jennifer Lopez: love and marriage do not require haste

Fans of Jennifer Lopez always speak with admiration of the singer, actress, producer and dancer. In everything that concerns the hand of this woman, she succeeds! And with the appearance in her life of the athlete handsome Alex Rodriguez, everyone is looking forward to the announcement of the official engagement and the wedding ceremony. When? Jennifer answered this question in her last interview with the American tabloid Harper's Bazaar, in parallel sharing thoughts about age.

Roman Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez started a year ago, but during this time they began to perceive a married couple. Children from the previous marriages became friends, and their parents even purchased a common home for a big family! At the end of the year, the first rumors about the engagement and offering Alex's hand and heart to a hot Latin American appeared, but there is still no official comment, is this information true? Jennifer Lopez admitted to a tabloid journalist that, despite life experiences and unsuccessful love stories in the past, she believes in marital relations:

"I believe in marriage and I want to create a family with a man whom I love and respect. I want to meet a happy old age surrounded by my own children and my husband. This does not mean that I will throw myself thoughtlessly under the crown, it will be a deeply weighted decision. Alex and I have harmonious relations, we understand each other well and support, but we will not hurry up in such a serious issue. The situation is complicated by the fact that we are now under the scrutiny of the press and the paparazzi. Of course, we are used to it and live in such a regime from the age of 20, but it is pretty exhausting. "
Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez

Judging by the answer, Jennifer and Alex are unlikely to advertise their relationship more than there is at the moment. Love and marriage do not require haste - it's hard to argue with that!

On the attitude towards age

A well-known fact, Jennifer is a supporter of a healthy diet and lifestyle. The singer repeatedly said that the main thing in her life is the correct attitude and psychological tricks in the form of affirmation. The secret of the mysterious term is that every day you need to speak a short verbal formula that forms the desired image in the subconscious. After all, your words become motivational and positively affect reality. Which word formula was chosen by Lopez:

"I chose for myself the power of psychological attitudes and words:" I'm young and time is not subject to me! ". Affirmation allows solving all problems. I understand that it sounds a little infantile, but it works! In fact, the age is only in our heads, look at the adorable Jane Fonda, her appearance is beyond comprehension! "

Alex Rodriguez supports the beloved in her quest to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle:

"She is worthy of admiration and her will power can only be envied. This is a daily work, control and implementation of numerous rules, mandatory full sleep up to 10 hours. I'm not talking about giving up alcohol and smoking. Her life is a model of a healthy lifestyle. "

Jennifer said in an interview that she now feels most happy, and not in 20 years:

"It's amazing, but age and life experience allows you to love yourself. Every year I learn about my strengths and weaknesses. I have come a long way to occupy my niche and to claim respect. Now I know what I want and how to achieve the desired goal. "
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About Harrassement

One of the most scandalous themes of America and show business was not ignored. Jennifer Lopez admitted that she managed to avoid problems with sexual harassment on the part of producers and directors:

"Of course, I repeatedly heard about this and in my address there were" proposals "to undress, but I categorically refused. It was scary, I was worried and thought how this would affect my career. This whole situation is outrageous and requires publicity and thorough investigation. "