What to do to prevent the dog from stinking with a dog?

We crazy love our four-legged friends. Each of them has its own smell - cats smell of cats, and dogs are dogs. If the smell of the puppy we are calm, then the smell of an adult dog, which impregnated apartment, often causes discontent. And then the question is tormented, what to do, so that the dog does not stink of a dog.

How to get rid of the smell of dog in the dog?

Not everyone knows why a dog smells of a dog. But the causes of this phenomenon are different: from the emotional state of the animal to the indifferent attitude of the owners to their pets.

The smell from the dog can come from a variety of organs: mouth, hair, ears, paws and, of course, the area under the tail. Therefore, if you buy yourself a shampoo or toothpaste, do not forget about the pet. He also needs to brush his teeth , at least every other day and once a week to take water procedures. And after each walk, be sure to wash your paws, stomach and near the tail.

To date, there is a huge selection of shampoos and conditioners to care for the dog's hair. Therefore, you should not rack your brains, rather than wash your dog, so that you do not smell of dog. Any qualified person will give you exhaustive information about this. From time to time it is necessary to comb out the four-legged friend, saving his hair from the fallen hairs.

An unpleasant smell sometimes comes from the ears and eyes. Greenish and abundant discharge indicates a disease and is a signal to show the dog to a vet.

They say that a healthy dog ​​does not smell bad. And the health of our dogs depends, first of all, on nutrition. A variety of foods that contain enough protein, carbohydrates and vitamins are the key to her health.

If a dog lives in the house, sometimes puddles appear on carpets and floors. In the arsenal of means for the care of the apartment should be wet wipes, disinfectants, sprays, antifuge, vinegar or lemon. And do not forget about the litter.

Dogs that do not smell of dog

What dog does not smell of dog? But there really are rocks without a smell! These are bare breeds and dogs that have a long or short coat without undercoat. The most famous of them are the Yorkshire Terrier, the Chinese Crested Dog and the Mexican Naked Dog. The smell also depends on the sex. Dogs, for example, smell stronger.

If you are attentive to your friend, relieve him of stress, do not begin to suffer the question of what to do so that the dog does not stink of a dog.