Ultrasound at the 5th week of pregnancy

Conduction of ultrasound at the 5th week of pregnancy allows to determine the presence of the embryo in the uterus, as well as to analyze the features of its development. By this time, the child on the screen looks like a tiny "tadpole" - rudimentary organs, such as the tail, are still present. In size, the whole body of the future baby does not exceed a bone from an orange.

What happens at the 5th week of pregnancy with a fetus?

With ultrasound at 5 weeks, the doctor can already observe how the spinal cord and the brain of the embryo develop from the neural tube. You can also hear the baby's heart contractions. The number of them reaches 110 beats per minute. At this stage it is still impossible to call this education at heart, It has the form of 2 channels, - the heart tubes, which begin to contract. The nerve tube on the ultrasound of the fetus is still open for 5 weeks. The above features are of interest primarily to the doctor. The main question of the pregnant woman concerns how much in her womb embryos. Ultrasound at 5 week without effort will let you know whether twins are there or one fruit.

What changes are observed in the mother's body?

As you know, for the entire pregnancy in the woman's body there are numerous changes. So, when ultrasound is performed at the time of 5 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, the yellow body is still visible in the ovaries, which ensures the harmonious development of pregnancy. The yolk sac, located in the uterine cavity, is represented by a ringlet, it has a diameter of 3-4 mm. Its role is to ensure the breathing and nutrition of the embryo. But, its main function is to participate in the formation of the hemopoietic embryo system.

What sensations does a woman experience for a period of 5 weeks?

Still not having waited results of US in 5 weeks, the woman with 100% confidence can tell, that soon she becomes mum. The first sign of this is the absence of menstruation. A test conducted at this time will show that the woman is pregnant. In addition, the breast begins to swell and slightly increases in size.

Many women in early terms, noted the increased urge to urinate. The reason for this is an increase in the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin, which is synthesized at this time.

Often, women notice the appearance of nausea and vomiting, which is also one of the first signs of pregnancy. More often than not, it is their appearance that causes the woman who does not suspect before, to carry out a pregnancy test.