Jessica Biel does not cope with maternal duties?

The actress, producer, model and mother of a small fidget, Jessica Biel always has time and does not cease to amaze her fans! The other day the actress became the guest of the evening TV show Stephen Colbert and honestly admitted that the maturation of the 2-year-old son of Silas and the desire to be an ideal mother, is given to her not easily for many reasons. According to Jessica, she feels exhausted, how does she cope?

Jessica confessed that with great stretch can call herself an ideal mother:

"The house is in constant chaos, consisting of pieces of plasticine from Play-Doh, stickers, crumbs, chocolates, toys and it's still unknown what. You can not go through, you'll always stumble upon something, every inch is mastered by a child, it's pointless to clean it up, everything is necessary for it! "

Justin Timberlake's wife noticed that the hardest thing is for her to lack a full-fledged, quiet sleep:

"The worst thing is, if Silas wakes up in the middle of the night, it's very hard to put him back! Therefore, at home during our son's sleep, we have complete silence. God forbid, someone accidentally wakes him up, he immediately gets on the blacklist and becomes my personal enemy. My son is a wild musician, against the background of modest and quiet children of friends. "
Actress before recording the show

Beal admits that she is afraid of growing up and the triennium of her "rebel":

"I feel exhausted. I've read and heard about unregulated "three-year-olds" on several occasions, and now I'm starting to panic, as it will be with us? Can I cope? It seems to me that it is harder for small madmen to cope harder than with adults. "
Jessica Biel is afraid of his 3-year-old son
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Despite the fears, Jessica Bill insanely loves her son and always with humor refers to his tricks. Bright confirmation of this rare photos in Instagram.

"Funny, funny and the best!"

- so Jessica commented on the tricks of 2-year-old Silas.