How to grow corn in a cottage?

Growing corn at the dacha will allow you to get a natural product and enjoy its taste. Beginner farmers are faced with the question: how to grow corn in a cottage?

How to grow sugar corn?

The planting of corn seeds in the open ground is carried out when the warm weather is established, and the occurrence of frosts will be ruled out. This period of time from mid-May to early June. If the earth is not heated enough, the seed germination will be much lower.

For the cultivation of corn suitable fertile and loose soil, not heavy, without the formation of a crust and an excess of moisture. The site for planting is selected well lit.

The first option is to plant the seeds immediately in the open ground. Before sowing, it is recommended to warm them in the sun for 4-5 days. This will create conditions for faster emergence of seedlings.

The second option is pre-cultivation of seedlings before planting in the ground. In early May, you can start planting corn seeds in peat pots. With the appearance of the first 2-3 leaves, it is possible to plant maize seedlings in the open ground at the dacha. As a rule, this period comes in early June.

Rules for planting corn

It is recommended to follow the following rules how to plant corn in the country:

Knowing the rules of how to grow corn in the garden will help you to get a good harvest in the future.