Soothing for pregnant women

Changing the hormonal background of the body of a pregnant woman often causes such symptoms as nervousness, anxiety, increased excitement, mood swings. To bring to norm this emotional state is helped by sedatives. What kind of sedatives can you take with a pregnant woman without harming your baby?

Herbs and preparations on a natural basis

Any medications, including soothing, during pregnancy is not desirable to take in the first 13 weeks (I trimester). It is during this period that the fetal systems and organs are actively formed. The question of whether it is possible to be soothing to a pregnant woman should be decided by a doctor. Regular walks in the park in the fresh air, rest all this can be an excellent sedative. However, if the state of anxiety and mood swings are repeated regularly, you need to use sedatives for pregnant women.

In pregnancy, the use of sedative preparations of plant origin is permitted. Suitable soothing pills for pregnant women based on herbs like novopassit, persen, valerian, motherwort.

Herbal tea is soothing for pregnant women or collection sedative - an excellent natural remedy for stabilizing the nervous system. Recommended soothing herbs for pregnant women - mint, lemon balm, chamomile, hawthorn, valerian, motherwort, linden flowers. They will relieve stress, improve sleep and relieve mood swings.

Often, the state of nervousness and anxiety occurs in pregnant women against the background of a lack of vitamin B, which is responsible for the activity of nerve cells in the brain and regulate the functioning of the nervous system as a whole. In this case, you should take vitamin-mineral complexes for pregnant women and eat foods that contain this vitamin (nuts, spinach, beef, lean pork, liver, dairy products). Taking medications containing vitamin B is recommended not only during pregnancy, when the need for it rises, but also before conception and during the period of feeding.

Pay attention to the fact that the intake of vitamins or herbal preparations should be treated with caution in women who suffer from allergies or unstable blood pressure. In each individual case it is necessary to consult with the obstetrician-gynecologist, who has a woman. It is the specialist who decides which sedatives can be pregnant, determines the dose and schedule of admission.

Homeopathy and aromatherapy - mild sedatives for pregnant women

The safest sedatives during pregnancy are homeopathic remedies. Despite the fact that these are mild sedatives, they should also be prescribed only by a specialist. To get the effect, you need a long and regular intake of homeopathic remedies.

Aromatherapy (the effect of natural essential oils) also has a soothing effect. The aromas of citrus, pine needles and lavender are excellent soothing for pregnant women. Essential oils easily penetrate the respiratory tract to the nerve centers, act gently and effectively affect the mental functions of the body. Unfortunately, there are contraindications for aromatherapy: allergy, bronchial asthma, problems with arterial pressure. But with proper application, homeopathy and aromatherapy do not cause addiction and side effects.

Can pregnant women drink a sedative on a synthetic basis? Unambiguously, chemical sedatives (tranquilizers and barbiturates) during pregnancy are strictly contraindicated, they can negatively affect the nervous system of the child. Such drugs can be prescribed by doctors only in especially severe cases of nervous disorders.