Fungal diseases of throat

The occurrence of fungal infection of the throat often occurs in men than in women. In 93% of cases, the Candida, known to many, who is referred to as yeast-like, becomes the culprit of the disease. In more rare cases, pharynx is filled with moldy fungi.

This is an unpleasant problem that needs to be solved as soon as possible, because the more neglected the process, the harder it is to stop it.

Fungal diseases of the throat - symptoms

The main symptoms of affection of the pharynx are as follows:

  1. Dryness in the throat.
  2. Itching and burning.
  3. General weakness, subfebrile temperature is possible.
  4. Headache.
  5. In the presence of moldy fungi - yellow coating on the throat.
  6. In the presence of yeast-like fungi - white coating and the formation of curdled masses.

Treatment of fungal diseases of the throat

Fungal diseases of the larynx are treated with local treatment with anti-mycotic drugs, as well as ingestion of these drugs.

Since the fungus develops with poor immunity, an important component of the treatment is an increase in immunity. The use of folk remedies in this problem is ineffective, and can be complementary rather than basic.

Treatment should begin with a laboratory examination of the mucus of the larynx to determine the fungus.

As a general strengthening of the body immunostimulants are prescribed - cycloferon, immunostat and the like. They will strengthen immunity and recovery will come much faster.

To suppress the reproduction of the fungus, antibiotics are used. The modern series includes nystatin and pimafucin. Their dosage is determined by the attending physician depending on the extent of the lesion. Today it is believed that pimafucin is much more effective than nystatin, so it is better to give preference to this drug.

In the treatment of fungus, triazoles-diflucane or fluconazole, as well as imidazoles: nizoral, clotrimazole or ketoconazole, which contribute to suppression of fungal distribution are also used.

If the fungus has an easy form, then the use of local treatment with immunostimulants is sufficient. In this case, the disease must retreat within a week.

In chronic form, several courses of treatment and combination of topical and systemic drugs are required.

Treatment of fungi with antibiotics should be very careful, because they destroy the beneficial bacteria of the body's natural environment that fight fungi. Often, the disease leads to excessive and thoughtless use of antibiotics in the treatment. It is also important during the treatment to be protected from stress, and provide a diet rich in vitamins, so that the body could fight against the fungus.