Spicy sauce

We do not imagine eating without sauces. They perfectly complement and enhance the taste of vegetable and meat dishes, are indispensable in the preparation of a variety of seasonings and marinades. In other words, sauces bring the ready-made dish so to say "to the mind". Just a few drops in any dish - and before you a completely new and exquisite dish.

Spicy sauces contain a lot of vitamin C, improve digestion and just pleasantly pamper all our taste buds.

Hot tomato paste sauce


How to cook hot sauce? Tomato paste diluted with water and mix well. Garlic is cleaned and squeezed through the garlic. Chili pepper and coriander, finely chopped. In a bowl of a blender we connect a tomato mix, garlic weight, a chili pepper, greens of coriander and salt. All well beat until a homogeneous mass.

The prepared mixture is transferred to the sauce bowl and served on the table. A hot sauce from tomato paste is ready! It perfectly fits to fried meat and cutlets.

Hot chilli sauce



Cut tomatoes into slices, sweet pepper and put them on a baking tray. Bake the vegetables in the oven at 200 ° for about 50 minutes. Then gently take the pepper and put it in the package, tied so that the steam does not come out. Tomatoes are cleaned from the film. Hot pepper soak with warm water. Grind all ingredients with a blender, add tomato paste, oregano, meat broth and sugar. Then pour the mixture into a saucepan, put it on the fire and after boiling, simmer for about 10 minutes.

We serve chilli sauce with hot and cold dishes. It is amazingly combined with pasta, rice, potatoes and any kinds of meat and fish.

Sour cream hot sauce



The greens of my dill, dried and finely chopped. Garlic squeezed through garlic and mix all the ingredients. Solim, pepper to taste, mix. That's all, sour cream sauce is ready. We serve it to meat and fish.