Angina - treatment without antibiotics

Do you have a sore throat? Talk and swallow unpleasant, but on a thermometer of 38-39 degrees? Most likely, you have angina and it must be treated to avoid complications. But is it possible to cure a sore throat without antibiotics? Yes! There are several methods that will help the patient quickly get up on their feet without taking various pills and syrups.

Overcoming the common intoxication with angina

If you have decided to treat a sore throat without antibiotics, first of all you need to improve the defense mechanisms to fight the infection. Provide the patient:

Without antibiotics, you can cure a sore throat, but you can not do without medications at all. To quickly feel better, you need to take sulfanilamide drugs. They have a bacteriostatic effect. It is also not worth fighting against fever with folk remedies. For this, it is best to use such antipyretic agents as:

How to get rid of sore throat with sore throat?

To as quickly as possible cure angina without antibiotics, you should often rinse your mouth. This procedure will remove the pathological contents from the oropharynx and relieve the acute pain symptoms of the disease. You can rinse your mouth with:

If you have purulent angina and you have decided to treat it without antibiotics, after 15 minutes rinse, dissolve in the mouth any tablets antiseptic:

Help to get rid of sore throat and modern aerosols. They have antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Use one of the aerosols for treatment: