Croton - reproduction

Croton or codaeum is a decorative and deciduous plant. In the natural conditions of the tropics of Asia, India, the islands of the Pacific Ocean and Malaysia, they grow to 3 m, and in the room conditions - only up to 1.5 m. Thanks to the rich palette of colors and forms of leaves, this flower is very diverse. But the main form is a motley croton with a laurel-shaped leaf, and its hybrids have forked, ribbon, twisted, curved or lobed leaves.

For breeding Croton at home, you should know how to multiply the flower and do not forget that it refers to poisonous houseplants .

How to multiply Croton?

There are several ways to do this:

Croton - propagation by cuttings

For propagation in this way, one should adhere to such an algorithm of actions:

1. Preparation:

2. Rooting :

3. Planting:

only after a month and a half, when he takes root, every drop is planted in a separate pot.

Propagation by air layers

In a situation where the trunk of a croton or its branches are strongly bare, it is necessary to use multiplication by air layers. The best period for this is summer. There are two ways of such multiplication.

1 way:

2 way:

Croton - reproduction by seeds

For domestic reproduction, this method is very complicated, so it is used very rarely.

To grow a croton from seeds it is necessary:

Croton - leaf reproduction

When propagating a leaf, a positive result is not guaranteed, so it is used in extremely rare cases. The principle of reproduction is the same as when rooting cuttings.

Thanks to relatively simple methods of reproduction, you can successfully look after the appearance of the flower and replenish your collection of croton.