Laika - characteristics of the breed

Playful, nezlobivye, loyal and very sociable Laika are now becoming more popular. This breed has a large number of varieties, differing in character traits, appearance and origin.

Characteristics of the breed Samoyed Laika

Samoyed Laika or Samoyed dog - one of the most beautiful representatives of the breed. It is derived from the Nenets husky. Unlike most other northern dogs, Samoyed Laika, according to scientists, was not used as a sled dog, it was not harnessed to the harness. More often representatives of this breed participated together with people in the hunt, guarded the dwelling, grazed cattle and even stayed as nannies with young children. Samoyed Laika is different from other representatives of the Laek with snow-white fluffy long hair. This dog is of medium size, very sociable and talkative. A great companion dog. She retains playfulness until old age, and Samoyed huskies usually live 12-15 years. The muzzle at the dog is elongated and supposedly smiling, this effect is achieved by slightly elevated corners of the lips and slightly slanted eyes.

Characteristics of the breed West Siberian Laika

The West Siberian one is another kind of Laika, which was bred on the territory of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Usually this is a fairly strong average dog, although individual individuals reach fairly large sizes. Color is allowed white, piebald, brown in various shades, red, gray. This breed has a rich and beautiful coat, which warms the dog even in severe frosts. Most often the West Siberian Laika was used as a hunting dog. It is very fast, with well developed attention. For such dogs, the manifestation of aggression towards a person is not at all characteristic, therefore in modern conditions it perfectly coexists with even small children, they acquire it as a companion dog. Characteristics of the breed of Siberian husky says that she needs a lot of motor activity, she is pretty playful, so with such a dog, it is not always easy to get along in an apartment, but in a house with an estate she feels fine.

Characteristics of the breed Russian-European Laika

The Russian-European Laika was bred in the 60s of the 20th century in Russia. It was obtained by crossing different representatives of other breeds of Laika, most often West Siberian and Mari. The standard was a strong medium-sized dog with a lean and slender, rather dry body of black and white color. Wool, as in other breeds of hawks, rich and lush, fairly stiff, muzzle cuneate, legs of medium length, straight. Such a dog was used as a hunting dog, although now it is also started as a companion dog, since although it is quite vicious in relation to the beast that is hunting (by the way, the Russian-European Laika is great for hunting any beast, from smallest, to large, such as a bear), nevertheless she has practically no manifestations of aggression towards people. She is moderately playful, not aggressive, likes to move a lot.

Characteristics of the breed Karelo-Finnish Laika

Karelo-Finnish Laika , like other breeds, are great for hunting. They perfectly prey on ungulates such as wild boars and roe deer. Karelo-Finnish Laika is not universally recognized as a breed. Most often, its representatives are registered under the name "Finnish Spitz", since during breeding a large number of crossings with Spitzes taken from Finland occurred, and now the differences in the exteriors of the two breeds are insignificant. The appearance of the dog: medium size, strong and fit body, fluffy, fluffy coat, wedge-shaped muzzle, straight legs of medium length, standing ears. Karelian-Finnish husky usually has a red color. In connection with the fact that in the USSR the cynologists have practically abandoned the further breeding of the breed, such a husky is quite a rare phenomenon, it may be problematic to find a puppy of this breed. However, this clever, playful and smart dog can become a wonderful friend not only of a hunter, but of any other person.