Canadian Sphynx - care

They are amazing and unique. They attract the eye and can convince us of the existence of magic. They cause either a stormy enthusiasm or a sharp dislike, but they will not leave anyone indifferent. These almost unearthly creatures are the Canadian Sphinx.

The mention of bald cats has been preserved since ancient times, individual specimens were encountered in different epochs. But the official history of the Canadian Sphynx breed begins in Canada in 1978, when bald kittens were found on the street and sent to the nursery. So this breed is still very young and is at the stage of development and formation.

Description of breed Canadian Sphynx

The appearance of the Canadian Sphinx always makes an indelible impression. On the one hand, all the lines of the body are smooth, soft and smooth, on the other - these cats can not be called elegant. The sphinxes have curved front legs, a pear-shaped body, and a tail wrapped in a donut. They also have very large ears and dense wrinkled skin. By the way, the skin of the sphinxes is not completely naked, it is covered with light fluff. Color in the Canadian Sphynx can be absolutely any.

If you are considering purchasing this amazing creature, then you should be prepared for the fact that the Canadian Sphynx are very sociable and strongly attached to the owner. This cat will wait for you at the doorstep when you return home, persistently follow you around the apartment and take an active part in all your affairs. Therefore, you should have enough time and, most importantly, a desire to give your pet a lot of attention.

The nature of the Canadian sphinxes is amazing, their behavior they do not resemble the typical representatives of the cat family. They are very intelligent, easy to learn, mobile, playful and endlessly affectionate. The Canadian Sphynx will be very pleased to sleep with you under the blanket, pressing your hot calf to you and expressing your love with a loud purr. They get along well with children, and also easily get along with any other pets.

What to feed the Canadian Sphinx?

Because of the increased metabolism, the Canadian Sphinx needs more food than other cats. They have a great appetite and they are not whimsical at all. So you can feed these cats with any dry or canned food, the main thing is that it should be of the highest quality. A good option is a mixed type of food, when in the diet of a cat, both natural and dry foods are combined.

Most of the Canadian Sphynx has strong immunity and disease is not affected. The only weak point is the eyes, they need to pay special attention.