Peas - calorie content

Peas are the most popular representative of the legume family. His homeland is considered to be the countries of the Mediterranean, as well as India and China, where peas were a symbol of prosperity and fertility. We learned about this plant in about the 6th century. Today, as in ancient times, peas are valued for their palatability and healing properties, which many people know, but that's not what everyone knows about the calorie content of peas.

Composition and calorie content of peas

Peas combine the main vitally important elements and vitamins, which affect the full work of the human body. As part of this representative of legumes there are: B vitamins , vitamin A, E, PP, H, unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, pyridoxine, amino acids, aluminum, fluorine, copper, iodine, manganese, iron, calcium, etc.

If we talk about how many calories in peas, it depends on its kind, the stage of maturation and, of course, on the way of cooking.

Young green peas have an average caloric value of 73 kcal per 100 grams, while there is a lot of sugar and water in it, and starch and protein have a minimum content. This representative of the legume family is an excellent product that can be consumed during a diet, because in addition to a small calorie green peas also perfectly cleanses the intestines, removing toxins and toxins.

Ripe peas are a very high-calorie product, in 100 g there are up to 300 kcal, this is due to an increase in the content of starch and protein. Dried peas have even more calories, in 100 grams to 325 kcal, tk. the composition of almost no water, but the concentration of nutrients in these beans is higher than in green.

Caloric content of cooked peas is only 60 kcal per 100 g, and all nutrients are stored in it. Dishes from this plant can be used during weight loss, besides boiled peas are very useful for health. It strengthens the heart, prevents oncological development diseases, strengthens bones, normalizes metabolism, etc.

One of the varieties of peas is pea chickpeas (turkey peas), the calorie content of this plant is 309 kcal per 100 g. The chickpea is remembered by taste and aroma resembling walnut, it is also worth noting its usefulness for human health. Turkish peas reduce the level of cholesterol, prevents the occurrence of a heart attack, strengthens the immune system and saturates the body with energy. Due to its high caloric content, peas are a very nutritious product, so if you eat very little, you will quickly get rid of hunger, but daily consumption of this kind of peas in large quantities can spoil the figure.