Lapko Massager

As an alternative or supplement to the traditional treatment of all kinds of diseases of the human body, the Lapko massager is often used. Invented by his famous academician Lyapko Nikolai Grigorievich and over time the varieties of his masseurs become more and more.

The Lapko massager is a special product made of rubber (rubber) with the introduction of needles from metals (iron, zinc, silver, copper, nickel) necessary for the human body. The impact on the body occurs both due to the pressure on certain reflex zones, and due to the introduction into the skin of the metal oxide from which the needles are composed.

Where is the massager used?

In the instructions to the Ljapko massager, almost all the diseases and pathological processes that can occur to a person. Here is their incomplete list:

Types of massagers

To work with a specific part of the body developed their own massagers. So for the study of a large surface (back, spine) there are large mats with needles. To influence smaller areas, there is a Roller Lapko massager or roller, which can control the force of the impact.

There is a massager in the form of chamomile, which is convenient to work on the buttocks and stomach. A small massager with the same name "Baby" is suitable for exposure in hard-to-reach places (in the corners of the eyes, on the auricles).

For the face, a Lyapko roller massager is used, which has a step between needles is 3.5mm. It gently affects the delicate tissues of the face, stimulating the regeneration of the skin, preventing its premature aging. A small roller wrestles with mimic wrinkles and even removes the second chin.

In order to notice the effect of the use of Lyapko's massager, it takes only a few minutes when it comes to reducing the intensity of pain in muscles, joints, or toothache. To consolidate the result obtained, work with the massager should be conducted for at least two weeks. But in order to see the result with cosmetic procedures (getting rid of cellulite, wrinkles), it will take at least 2-3 weeks of daily procedures.