How to determine the breed of a puppy?

When we want a puppy to appear in our house, we usually know in advance what it will be like. We are sure that our four-legged friend will be the most faithful and faithful. But, how do you know what breed a puppy is, if we picked up a baby on the street? At the formed dog, and so our kid will be only in a year, a certain type of ears, muzzles, bodies, paws, tail. And, even the length of the coat is different for different breeds. But with a puppy is more difficult. Some thoroughbreds look like mongrels. How to determine the breed of the puppy, you can consult a specialist by showing him your dog or doing a DNA test.

Puppies of different breeds

Puppy German Shepherd

Puppies should look strong and strong with the same strong and straight paws. Ears in puppies of this breed begin to stand closer to half-year, and paws have thick cushions and dark claws. A good puppy on moving carries paws close to the ground.

Puppy boxer

Small pets have a square shape with a large head and a black upside down nose. A characteristic feature is the presence of bulk cheeks. And puppies have a very strict view

Rottweiler puppy

The best puppies of this breed with a dark tan and a weak bend of the upper jaw. Their ears should reach the middle of the cheek and fit very tightly to the head, and the limbs are powerful and strong.

Puppies of small breeds

Dachshund puppy

At the age of one month the puppy of the dachshund has a smooth and shiny coat, is confident in its movements, squat with thick and widely set paws. He has a rounded muzzle and a narrow head. Weigh such a pet will be up to 1.5 kg.

Puppy puppy

Small pets are plump, square in shape with a large head that has wrinkles. The tail is usually set high. Purebred black puppies, as a rule, are monophonic.

Chihuahua puppy

Smooth-haired babies are smooth, and long-haired with soft and thick hair. The paws of the chihuahua puppies are short and straight. In appearance, he should look fat.

If you could not find an answer to the question of how to recognize the breed of a puppy, you do not need to get upset. After all, the most important thing is mutual love and understanding between you.