Moss in flower pots - how to get rid?

Often, the owners of indoor flowers notice that their pets are attacked by small gnats. As a rule, for most representatives of the flora such insects are not dangerous, but in itself this phenomenon is quite unpleasant. Moss swarm over the ground, their number increases rapidly, which bothers the owners of the house. Faced with this problem, try to solve it as early as possible until the larvae have penetrated into the neighboring flower pots.

Why in the pot with flowers bunnies are wound up?

Usually, flower midge appears in the cold season, when the soil does not dry out after irrigation for a long time. This is the reason for the spread of insects, the females lay eggs in moist soil. They eat organic, which is rich in soil, so if you often arrange your plants "coffee" , "tea" or other similar feeding, you know - thus you feed the midges parasitizing in flower pots. Another reason for the appearance of midges may be contaminated soil, bought in the store.

Most often these mosses appear on the violets . The insects themselves are scientifically called sarcids, and in the people - fungal or soil mosquitoes. This is a very ancient, actually fossilized species of Diptera insects.

And now let's find out how it is possible to bring out Simuliidae from flowers in pots.

How to deal with gnats in flower pots?

When choosing a remedy against midges in flower pots, check out various ways to fight these insects:

  1. The main one is the limitation of watering. Of course, do not overdry their flowers, but they do not need to be poured either. Look for the golden mean - water the plants only as the upper layer of the soil dries to a depth of 3 cm. It is noticed that the larva of the cirriids does not tolerate the absence of moisture, and dies in a dry environment for several minutes. Also, it is not superfluous to loosen the ground after every watering.
  2. Water quality also matters. The water for irrigation should be soft. This can be achieved by settling or freezing water. Also, do not water the flowers with water left over after cooking vegetables, eggs, etc. For plants, this is a good fertilizer, but it is worth to abandon it if you really want to get rid of the flower midge.
  3. The best remedy for mosquitoes are systemic insecticides. These drugs are Mukhoed, Fufanon, Fitoverm, Aktara, Inta-vir, etc. They not only destroy Simuliidae, but also prevent the appearance of new insects from the remaining larvae in the soil. Before using these chemicals, read the instructions and use personal protective equipment.
  4. If the mosquitoes are small and you do not want to damage the plant "chemistry" once again, try to replace only the top layer of the soil. And in order to get rid of flying around the pot of Simuliidae, use sticky tape for flies.
  5. Among the popular folk remedies for mosquitoes, we also note wood ash, tobacco dust, citrus peel and cloves of garlic, spread on the surface of the soil in the pot.
  6. As experience shows, ordinary matches help to get rid of midges, which were planted in flower pots. They need to be stuck in the ground with their heads down. The sulfur from the matches will gradually dissolve in the soil, and the insects will disappear.
  7. If the midges are divorced very much, and the ground in the pot is literally teeming with larvae - such a flower must be transplanted. And do not just transfer to a new container, and get rid of the remnants of the old land, rinse the roots and plant the flower in fresh soil. Before planting a new soil mixture should be decontaminated, and the pot itself - treated with boiling water or a soapy solution.