Treatment of purulent wounds at home

Any wound that has been subjected to microbial contamination will fester. This kind of inflammation is characterized by the presence of yellow, white or green pus. It can be a liquid or thick consistency. Infection significantly increases the time needed to cure it, so you need to know what to treat a purulent wound that pus did not spread.

Preparations for treatment of purulent wounds

Treatment and treatment of purulent wounds at home is aimed at complete removal of dead tissue, rapid provision of drainage, qualitative suppression of dangerous microflora and acceleration of the healing process. For this you can use a variety of drugs. Ointments on fatty and petrolatum-lanolin basis are very effective. This, for example:

These ointments can be used to treat purulent wounds at home of any size. Apply them once a day.

Antiseptics are very effective in combating inflammation. Widely used to treat purulent wounds, such drugs as:

They have sufficient antibacterial activity to suppress most pathogens of a surgical infection. But if you want to 100% guarantee yourself a quick recovery, use a new generation of antiseptics:

Methods of traditional medicine for treatment of purulent wounds

A purulent wound is not dangerous and you want to know what to treat it without using medicines? You can apply traditional medicine. A tangible therapeutic effect will bring a lotion of aloe and irrigation of the affected area with its juice. Less pronounced anti-inflammatory effect is the leaves of the grapes. If you do not have aloe on hand, make a gruel from the leaves of the grapes and attach it to the wound. In a day there will be no trace of pus.

Remove the dried blood and prevent inflammation with the help of lotions from sour cabbage. Quickly resorb the abscess will help onions. It must be applied for several hours.

Treatment of purulent wounds can be carried out at home using a strawberry leaf. They need to be applied only for a couple of minutes, and then changed. If you have a small scratch, then prepare a decoction of chamomile and make a compress for 1 hour. This manipulation will quickly dry pus and will allow you to prevent further spreading.