Late toxicosis in pregnancy

Late toxicosis during pregnancy appears at 28-29 weeks and is a serious reason to seek medical help. If your hands and feet swell, do not go nauseous and suffer from headaches, you need to immediately report the symptoms to the treating doctor. The phenomenon of toxicosis is often underestimated, referring to the adaptation of one's own organism to the emergence of a new life. Perhaps, unpleasant symptoms and do not foretell anything wrong, but only in the early stages of pregnancy. Late toxicosis of pregnant women with untimely treatment can lead to irreversible and unfortunate consequences.

Symptoms of late toxicosis in pregnancy

Toxicosis in the late term or, as it is called, gestosis occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy and can progress before delivery. As a rule, this phenomenon is observed in 10-20% of pregnant women. In order not to be in this number, you should carefully consider all the changes that occur in your body.

The causes of late toxicosis are not fully established. But the factors that provoke the development of gestosis include stress, sedentary lifestyle, hereditary predisposition, thyroid diseases, chronic diseases, age factor and nervous disorders.

The first symptoms of late toxicosis in pregnancy are swelling of the limbs and face. At the same time, you feel a constant thirst, and the amount of urine released decreases significantly. Edema is called an easy form of gestosis, which is treated by adjusting the lifestyle and special diet.

Sign of late toxicosis is also high blood pressure. Therefore, you should closely monitor the blood pressure index, measuring it not only during a visit to the treating doctor, but also independently - at home.

Development of late toxicosis

The next stage of gestosis, occurring after swelling, can be the development of nephropathy, which is accompanied not only by severe edema, hypertension, but also by an increased protein content in the urine. It is worth noting that you may not show all the symptoms at once, and swelling is hardly noticeable. The most accurate sign of nephropathy is hypertension. Doctors say that the increase in blood pressure above the mark of 135/85, usually speaks of developing toxicosis.

The appearance of preeclampsia and eclampsia at the last stage of gestosis is what is really dangerous for late toxicosis. Preeclampsia is accompanied by increased blood pressure, water-salt imbalance, impaired cardiac function, liver function, headaches and visual impairment. In this case, urgent hospitalization is recommended, since preeclampsia can move to a more serious stage - eclampsia. At this stage, convulsions lasting up to two minutes, as well as loss of consciousness. It is worth noting that eclampsia can have a lethal outcome not only for the fetus, but also for the mother.

Prophylaxis of late toxicosis

The first thing to do when the late toxicosis begins is to seek qualified medical care. Even in the early stages of gestosis, a constant observation of the attending physician is shown, which could control the appearance of symptoms and possible complications.

In addition, to get advice on how to avoid late toxicosis, you can have a specialist who observes the course of your pregnancy. A good result brings special gymnastics, a healthy lifestyle, a proper diet, outdoor walks, a full sleep and, of course, a good mood for the entire period of pregnancy.