What foods contain vitamin B?

The fact that our diet should not contribute to the accumulation of extra pounds - every woman knows. Some still use this knowledge very actively in their dietary nutrition. As for vitamins, they, as a matter of course, are present in their boiled beef with cabbage. And here not!

As it turned out, a lot of fans of diets suffer from beriberi - a lack of vitamin B1. This deficit, first of all, manifests itself in the form of absent-mindedness and irritability. In order for our diets not only to take with them kilograms, but at the same time and properly nourish, consider the content of B vitamins in food.

B1 or Thiamine is actively involved in metabolic processes, the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. In addition, it participates in the work of the nervous system, and also is a natural barrier to the body against the effects of toxins. What foods contain vitamin B1:

B2 or Riboflavin is responsible for reproductive function, the synthesis of erythrocytes and antibodies, as well as for the beauty and health of the skin, hair and nails. Water-soluble, excess is excreted by urine. The content of vitamins B2 in food:

B3 or nicotinic acid is a very important vitamin for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, it enlarges the capillaries, participates in the processes of cell oxidation. What foods are high in vitamin B3:

B5 or pantothenic acid is involved in the synthesis of blood cells, antibodies, amino acids, the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. In products:

B6 or pyridoxine is responsible for reducing the nervous tension of the muscles during sleep, a natural diuretic, responsible for the assimilation of proteins and fats. Contained:

B8 or biotin is a beauty vitamin. It is very important for skin and hair. Responsible for cell growth, metabolism, as well as utilization of other B vitamins. Normalizes the work of sweat glands. In food products:

B9 or folic acid is responsible for the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems, the synthesis of cells, in the human body is not produced. In products:

B12 or cobalamin improves memory, concentration, is responsible for the work of the nervous system, growth and good appetite. Contained:

B13 or orot acid is involved in the synthesis of vitamins, hepatocytes, responsible for reproductive function, liver health. In products:

B15 (pangamic acid) and B 17 (laetral) are vitamin-like substances. B15 activates the work of the liver and kidneys, and B17 serves as the prevention of cancer. B15 is found in melon, sesame, liver, and B17 in fruit bones: apricots, peaches, apples and cherries.

That's all. We disassembled the content of absolutely all the B vitamins in food. The conclusion itself arises: vitamins of group B are vitally important in the normal work of the whole organism, they all participate in serious metabolic processes, the synthesis of cells, and are also responsible for our healthy and attractive appearance. They are all water-soluble, do not accumulate and are excreted. Devote yourself to thoughts of losing weight, do not forget about the needs of your body and replenish the supplies of vitamins B!