Recipe for vegetable stew with potatoes and cabbage

Stew is a dish of pieces of fried, and then lettuce product from vegetables, sometimes with the addition of meat, fish or mushrooms.

The main advantage of this dish is the interchangeability of products, and as a result at any moment, you can quickly cook a delicious dish from the available vegetables with or without meat. As a rule, when preparing stews, one or two types of vegetables are taken as a basis, and the rest are used to impart a taste of the main ingredient. Any variant of the dish is interesting and unique in its own way.

The recipe for cooking vegetable stew with potatoes and cabbage, we will tell today in our article.

Ragout of vegetables with potatoes and cauliflower



The first step is to prepare all the vegetables. We clear onions, carrots and beets and crush them in cubes or straws. Fry the onions first, after five minutes we add carrots and beets, peeled and diced tomatoes, garlic slices, seasoned with mustard and fried until half cooked. Spread the roast in a potato or stew.

We cut the squash marrow and peeled potatoes, cut the cabbage into small inflorescences, brown each individually in a frying pan with red-hot vegetable oil and send it to the toast. Solim, season with pepper, gently mix and blown out under the lid until ready. Then remove from heat, let us brew for ten minutes, and serve it to the table, sprinkling with chopped herbs of parsley, basil and dill.

Stew of chicken with cabbage and potatoes



Lightly fry the peeled onions and cut into half rings, add carrots and zucchini, pre-cut them in circles and then in half, and fry until browned. Add the sweet peppers cut into strips and bring them to readiness.

Chicken meat is washed, dried, cut into small pieces, fry in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil and put into a saucepan or kazanok. There we send the peeled and diced potatoes and shredded cabbage. Fill all the hot boiled water, close the lid and put on a slow fire. Five minutes before the readiness to lay out the rest of the fried vegetables, add peeled and diced tomatoes, chopped garlic, salt and all spices.

When serving a stew, we decorate with parsley sprigs.

Stew with potatoes, cabbage and veal in the multivark



In a bowl multivarka with melted butter, we pawn chopped meat, carrot straws and onion semirings. Fry everything in the "Bake" mode for twenty-five minutes. Then add the chopped and battered cabbage, diced potatoes, tomato juice, pepper, salt, bay leaf and basil. Mix everything and cook in the program "Quenching" sixty minutes.

We serve to the table, sprinkled with herbs.