Lavender essential oil - properties and uses

Essential oil of lavender is considered one of the most valuable in aromatherapy, tk. it is almost universal and perfectly combined with many other types of oils. It is obtained, basically, by steam distillation from fresh inflorescences and plant stems. This oil has a light yellow color and has a pleasant aroma of fresh lavender flowers. Let's consider, what useful properties are inherent in essential oil of a lavender, and what its application in medical and cosmetic purposes.

Therapeutic properties of lavender essential oil

Lavender oil when exposed to the body causes the following positive effects:

The use of lavender essential oil in medicine

The oil in question can be used both externally and internally. So, it can be used for inhalation, douching, rinsing, compresses, lotions, rubbing. Before internal reception the lavender oil dissolve alcohol, honey or jam. In its pure form, it should never be ingested. the walls of the stomach may suffer. The methods of application, dosage and duration of therapeutic courses depend on the type of pathology and is assigned individually.

Properties and use of lavender essential oil for skin and hair

Lavender essential oil is widely used in cosmetology - basically, for improving and improving the appearance of the skin of the body and face, as well as hair. The simplest way to use oil for such purposes is to enrich ready-made cosmetics. Those. it is added to face and body creams, lotions, tonics, shampoos, hair balms, masks, etc. In doing so, you can use both purchased and self-made preparations at home, adding 3-4 drops of oil to 5 ml of the base. For hair it is useful to carry out aroma-spreading with essential oil of lavender, for which several drops of oil are applied to the teeth of the scallop.

When applied to the skin, the oil has the following beneficial effects:

For hair lavender oil is recommended for such problems:

It is worth noting that this oil in many cases is suitable even for those people who have increased sensitivity to other essential oils and herbal remedies. In addition, some adherents of aromatherapy recommend that their patients use it to eliminate allergic skin rashes. But nevertheless before the beginning of use of an essential oil of a lavender will not prevent to lead test on sensitivity.