Tincture of garlic

The composition of garlic is allicin. This substance is a natural antibiotic. It effectively copes with various pathogens and viruses, reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol and helps strengthen the immune system. That is why tincture of garlic is very often used as the main means for the treatment of various diseases and vascular purification.

How to cook garlic tincture?

Tincture of garlic can be made on vodka. It will help cure gout, sclerosis and eliminate spasms of the brain. But such a drug is contraindicated for pregnant and epileptic patients.

The recipe for vodka



Clean and chop the denticles into small cubes. Sterilize the glass jar, put garlic in it and fill it with vodka. Cap tightly close the lid and put it in a dark place for 14 days. The mixture must be shaken daily, and when the tincture is ready, strain it. Keep this tool in the refrigerator.

Treatment and preventive effect on the body has a tincture of garlic and alcohol. Basically, it is used as a means to quickly cleanse the body of fat and lime deposits.

Recipe for alcohol tincture



Peel and finely chop the garlic. Put it in any glass container, pour alcohol and put in a cool place for 10 days. After that, the mixture must be filtered. You should get about 300 ml of a liquid of green color. It must be put again in a cold place, but only for 3 days. A green sediment will appear on the bottom of the container. This means that the tincture is ready for use.

Do you show signs of arthritis? Do you suffer from sciatica? For the treatment of joints, it is better to use iodine tincture with garlic.

Tincture with garlic and iodine



Garlic is very finely chopped and poured with iodine. Shake the container and insist for 7 days.

This tincture will help in the treatment of damage to the skin. It should be applied to scratches and bruises at least 3 times a day.

Tincture of honey, garlic and apple cider vinegar has a general strengthening, regenerating and rejuvenating properties. It improves the metabolism, saturates the body with useful substances, it lowers the level of cholesterol and perfectly strengthens the blood vessels.

Tincture of honey, garlic and vinegar



Beat the garlic, vinegar and honey in a blender, place the mixture in a glass jar and insist it in the refrigerator for 5 days.

Take this infusion of 20 ml in the morning on an empty stomach.