How to care for cyclamens at home?

Cyclamen refers to zimnetsvetuschim plants. The period of its flowering captures autumn, winter and spring. Cyclamen flowers can have different colors: they are red, lilac, pink, variegated. The leaves have a beautiful heart-shaped form. It is a very popular indoor plant. For those who first decided to purchase it, the question is urgent: how to care for cyclamens at home?

How to care for a flower cyclamen?

The choice when buying should be carried out with special attention. It is best to buy a flower in October-November, when its flowering begins. If the buds are not fully opened, then you can enjoy a longer flowering. It is recommended to carefully examine the leaves of the plant - they should be healthy and not sag. Tuber in the Persian cyclamen should be located on the surface and have a smooth shape.

How do I care for a cyclamen after buying?

After purchase, the plant must necessarily be transplanted, as in stores it does not grow in the ground, it is kept in peat mass to facilitate its transportation.

For planting prepare a special soil consisting of sand, leaf and turf ground, peat.

From the roots remove the old earth, cut off rotten roots, and healthy washed in water. At the Persian cyclamen, the tuber is placed in the ground to half, and the remaining half is covered with moss. The European cyclamen root is deepened into the ground completely.

After the transplant, the flower is watered and fed.

How to care for a cyclamen in a pot?

In order for your plant to grow strong and healthy, the following conditions must be observed:

  1. Air temperature . The flower should be kept in a cool room, the temperature in which does not exceed +13-16ºС.
  2. The location of the cyclamen . The place where the plant is located should be well lit. It is recommended to place the flower in winter on the southern windows, and in the summer - on the eastern or western. It is necessary to exclude the location of a number of batteries, as well as to protect the cyclamen from direct sunlight.
  3. Humidity of air . Provide the desired humidity will help stand with a wet gravel under the pot. It is impermissible to moisturize the plant with an atomizer.
  4. Watering . Cyclamen should be watered from below. To do this, the pot for 10-15 minutes is placed in a tray with warm water, which is then drained. Categorically contraindicated is the ingress of water onto the leaves or the base of the flower tuber, as this can cause it to rot. In the spring, when the cyclamen comes to rest, his watering is reduced.
  5. Top dressing . The plant is fertilized during the flowering period - from autumn to early spring. Feeding is carried out every 2-3 weeks. Fertilizer is used in common for domestic plants. Starting from April-May, the flower ceases to fertilize.
  6. Removing faded leaves and flowers . It is necessary to conduct complete removal of the peduncle before its foundation, to exclude rotting, which can lead to the death of the cyclamen.
  7. Transplant , which is carried out in September. If the plant has not yet been transplanted into a larger pot, the top layer of the substrate is replaced with fresh one. Pot with a flower soak in water until the soil gets completely wet. Then the water is drained off. Since September, they are beginning to carry out additional feeding.

Understanding how to properly care for the cyclamen, you can grow this plant, which will serve as a real decoration of your house.