Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels - treatment with folk remedies

Due to malnutrition, lifestyle, exposure to bad habits and age-related changes, the vessels lose elasticity, are covered from within with an atherosclerotic coating. As a result, the blood flow is significantly hampered, which inevitably affects the functioning of the organ. It is important to slow down atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels as soon as possible - the treatment with folk remedies is designed specifically to prevent the development of the disease, the natural cleansing of arteries, capillaries and veins, the prevention of strokes and other severe consequences.

Symptoms of cerebral artery atherosclerosis and its treatment with herbs

The main signs of damage to the problem in question are:

If there is a complete blockage of the blood vessel, its walls may rupture and cause a cerebral hemorrhage (stroke).

Means based on herbs can gently, but effectively get rid of cholesterol plaques, strengthen the walls of arteries and capillaries, increase their elasticity. Folk recipes from atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels should be used after consultation with a doctor. When self-therapy course should not exceed 1 month.

Infusion of clover:

  1. Collect the head of the meadow clover at the very beginning of flowering, rinse, dry.
  2. About 20 g of raw materials put in a small thermos, pour boiling water (400 ml).
  3. Close the container, leave for 4 hours for infusion.
  4. Drink 50 ml before meals 2 or 3 times a day.

Herbal Cure:

  1. For 1 part of a sheet of kidney tea, white birch, St. John's wort and string, as well as flowers of the immortelle mixed with 3 parts of mint and 4-hawthorn (young leaves and flowers).
  2. About 4 tablespoons of the obtained composition to insist in a liter of boiling water. Strain after 2 hours.
  3. Take a third of a glass before meals, 3 times a day.

Folk remedies for atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels based on honey

As is known, honey is a valuable product, rich in unique chemicals that improve blood circulation and oxygen metabolism. Therefore, it is often used for the therapy of atherosclerosis.

Recipe # 1:

  1. Mix on incomplete (without a slide) a teaspoon of vegetable oil, fresh lemon juice and natural honey.
  2. Mass take early in the morning on an empty stomach, without washing down with water.
  3. Repeat for 12-28 days.

Recipe # 2:

  1. Grind fresh leaves of plantain and golden mustache (separately).
  2. Squeeze out the pulp from each plant juice.
  3. Mix the fluids in a ratio of 20 to 1 (plantain and golden mustache, respectively).
  4. Put the juices in a water bath, bring to a boil.
  5. Remove from the plate, add liquid honey to the solution. It should be the same as the juice mixture.
  6. Drink the medicine immediately after meals (1 time per day), 2 tablespoons.

Folk methods of treating atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels with vegetable juices

To start the processes of destruction and disintegration of cholesterol plaques, it is important to have a sufficient amount of antioxidants, vitamins of group B, C and PP, minerals (magnesium, cobalt, iodine, manganese salts) in the body. The listed substances are rich in freshly squeezed juices from the following vegetables:

Therefore, the most effective cleaning of cerebral vessels occurs with a daily intake of 1-2 glasses of at least one of the listed juices. You can be treated constantly, since such therapy has no side effects.