Cold compress

Cold compress is a form of compresses widely used for medical purposes, especially at home. Due to the effect of low temperatures, the following effects are achieved at the point of application of the cold compress:

What is the purpose of a cold compress?

In most cases, cold compresses are used as an emergency aid, and as an addition to the basic treatment prescribed by the doctor. Before making these procedures, you should read the rules for their conduct, consult with a specialist.

The main indications of cold compresses:

Cold compress is often used at elevated body temperature, but the patient should not feel chills. Also, cold compresses are used in the field of cosmetology to improve the condition of flabby, tired skin that has lost its healthy color.

The technique of setting a cold compress

Usually a cold compress is a hygroscopic soft cloth (gauze, cotton cut, etc.) folded in several layers, moistened in cold water and well wrung out. The expanded compress is superimposed on the necessary area of ​​the body depending on the indications (on the forehead, bridge of the nose, the place of the bruise, the area of ​​the abdominal cavity, etc.).

Due to the fact that the moist cold compress quickly heats up, it needs to be changed every 2-4 minutes. Therefore, it is most convenient to use two compresses for the procedure: while one is applied and operates, the second is cooled in a container of water. The duration of the procedure can be from 10 to 60 minutes. After the procedure, the patient's skin should be drained.

During the procedure, care must be taken to ensure that cold water does not drip onto the patient's skin or hair, and the tissue used is not wet, but wet. The water temperature should be about 14-16 ° C.

For longer and more intensive cooling, in some cases an ice bubble is used, which is usually a flat rubber bag or cellophane bag with small pieces of ice inside. Before applying a bubble with ice, it must be wrapped in a towel or other soft cloth. It should be borne in mind that if a few minutes after applying such a compress the patient does not begin to experience a feeling of heat, the procedure does not work and can do harm. In such If necessary, remove the compress and take measures to warm up.

Contraindications of cold compress

It is worth remembering that, despite a wide list of indications, cold compresses also have some contraindications. These include: