How to teach a child to read in 4 years at home?

Early development of children today is very popular. Many parents use common methods, and also attend classes in various children's centers. Meanwhile, excessive enthusiasm for early development can repel any desire to engage in crumbs. The most important thing in any training is not to rape a child. To classes should be started only when the baby manifests desire.

Modern doctors and psychologists believe that the optimal age for teaching children to read is 5-6 years. Nevertheless, if your baby is sufficiently capable and has long been asking you to teach him to read independently, you can begin your studies beginning 3-4 years. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to visit special centers or use teaching methods , it is enough to devote only a daily time to studying at home.

In this article we will tell you how to quickly teach a child to read at 4 years at home, and how to do it.

How to teach a child 4 years to read by syllables?

First you need to buy a bright and colorful ABC book. It is advisable to choose a benefit of a large format, which shows a lot of pictures that can attract the attention of the child. It is the primer in the future that can help the child understand how the letters form into syllables, words and even whole sentences.

To study letters with a child of 4 years is necessary in the following order:

  1. Solid vowels - A, O, Y, E, N;
  2. Solid voiced consonants - M, L;
  3. After that, we teach the deaf and hissing consonants: F, W, K, D, T and then all the other letters.

Do not rush, take for the rule - in one lesson you are only acquainted with one letter. In this case, each lesson is necessary with the repetition of those letters that were studied earlier. When reading the primer, Mom or Dad should not pronounce the name of the letter itself, but sound.

Then you can start simple syllables. You need to start with such simple combinations of letters as MA, PA, LA. To make it easier for the child to understand how the syllable is formed, try to tell him that the consonant letter "runs" to the vowel and "catches" with it. Most children, as a result of this explanation, begin to understand that both letters must be pronounced together.

Only after the child has mastered the previous lesson, one can proceed to reading complex syllables.

How to teach a child in 3-4 years to read independently?

If the baby has already figured out the notion of a syllable, it will be easy to teach him to read independently. First, you need to explain to him how to read the simplest words, such as "mom" or frame. " Then proceed to the words consisting of three syllables, for example, "milk."

The most important thing in teaching a child to read is constant training. A kid at the age of 3-4 years is not able to learn anything more than 7-10 minutes in a row. Meanwhile, the time for the child's reading must be given every day. In addition, parents in this case need to have patience, because a crumb can repel the book and refuse to deal with when you want it. It's not terrible, wait for the child to show interest, only in this case he will learn with pleasure and quickly achieve the desired result.