Why do the roots of hair on the head ache, how to identify and solve the problem?

Some women experience discomfort during washing, combing or stitching curls. There is a feeling that the roots of hair and scalp hurt even from the slightest touch, but it is not clear why. Often this problem is complicated by alopecia, fragility of strands and cross-section of tips.

Can the roots of hair hurt?

Bulbs do not have nerve endings, so the answer to the question is negative. It is more correct to ask whether the scalp can hurt and why. It is permeated with blood vessels and is equipped with a neural network that is sensitive to external and internal damaging factors. The only reason why the roots of the hair on the head hurt is skin damage. Call it may have different problems associated with improper care for curls or serious diseases.

The roots of hair on the head ache are the causes

In order to correctly establish the diagnosis and start an effective fight against the symptom in question, its character should be clarified. It is necessary to find out why and when the roots of the hair ache, what conditions or events precede it. In addition, it is important to fix the accompanying signs - increased loss, the presence of dandruff, fragility and fragility of strands, the condition of the ends.

Why does the scalp hurt when touching the hair?

The described problem is often observed in the presence of microdamages of the skin. The main reason why the roots of the hair on the head hurt during the touch, are small wounds and abrasions. They appear due to an unsuitable comb, excessively zealous styling with pulling curls, burns. Provoke uncomfortable sensations can prolonged wearing too tight a braid or tail.

Other reasons why the scalp hurts when touching the hair:

Why do the roots of hair on the vertex hurt?

The specific localization of unpleasant sensations may indicate trauma to this area. If the scalp hurts on the vertex, you should check it for abrasions, bruises and bruises. Often the reason why there is discomfort, becomes a heavy or tight hairstyle (high tail, weaving), the use of massive pins, hairpins, overhead strands and hairpieces.

Sometimes the roots of hair on the vertex ache on the background of other factors:

The scalp hurts, and the hair falls out - causes

Alopecia, complete with the symptom in question, indicates hormonal problems. The main reason why the roots of the hair on the head ache and the strands are rapidly thinning is the predominance of androgens in the blood. These signs can provoke a short-term hormonal failure or serious endocrine pathology, worsening of the ovaries, pituitary gland, thyroid gland.

More rarely other factors explain why the scalp hurts, and hair falls out:

Why do the roots of hair ache when dirty hair?

A rare washing of strands practically does not affect this pathology. More common reasons why the scalp hurts are the conditions listed above, just a woman notices the discomfort when the hair is dirty. Sometimes the excess of sebaceous glands increases unpleasant sensations. Skin fat is an ideal medium for nutrition and development of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Their reproduction causes factors, why inflammatory processes begin in the epidermis, especially in the presence of small lesions.

Sick roots of hair on the head after hypothermia

The skin in the described area is permeated with an extensive network of blood vessels. The main reason why the roots of hair on the head ache after prolonged exposure to frost is hypothermia. In the "cold" skin, the blood circulates worse due to spasms of the capillaries. In addition, nerve endings become inflamed, which is why the roots of the hair on the head ache. After normalizing the temperature regime and restoring blood circulation, discomfort disappears on its own.

Sick roots of hair after chemotherapy

Anti-cancer drugs are aimed at destroying cells that are actively dividing. They often destroy hair bulbs, and the oncologist patient temporarily grows bald. Chemotherapy has a negative impact on the nervous system, which explains why the roots of hair ache during the treatment of cancer. The follicles themselves are dying, but this does not cause unpleasant sensations. This symptom is associated with inflammation of nerve endings in the skin, which are damaged by potent medications.

Sick roots of hair on the head during pregnancy

Childbearing is always associated with endocrine fluctuations in the female body. One of the reasons why the roots of hair on the head periodically hurt, is an increase in the concentration of prolactin. This hormone in large quantities adversely affects the skin condition, increases its fat content, worsens the circulatory processes. Often unpleasant sensations in expectant mothers are accompanied by alopecia.

In some pregnant women, other factors explain why the scalp hurts, the causes of discomfort in the area of ​​the hair roots may be identical to those listed above:

Sick roots of hair on the head - what to do?

Coping with the presented problem is easier if you know why it arose. To establish an accurate diagnosis it is advisable to visit several doctors:

Tips on what to do if the scalp hurts:

  1. Choose hypoallergenic cosmetics.
  2. Change the comb to a soft massage brush.
  3. Less often do aggressive styling, chemical perm, clarification and staining. It is better to temporarily abandon these procedures altogether.
  4. Balance the diet, enrich the menu with vitamins and minerals.
  5. Allow enough time for sleep.
  6. Avoid stress.
  7. Do not make tight weaves, tails, complex and heavy hairstyles.
  8. Use only loose and light accessories.
  9. Regularly perform scalp massage.
  10. Avoid overheating and hypothermia.
  11. Watch for the purity of the curls.
  12. To find out why there is pain, to stop inflammation, to treat dermatological pathologies in a timely manner.
  13. Normalize the hormonal balance .

Masks for hair, when the roots of hair hurt

Home cosmetic procedures help improve blood circulation in the scalp, increase the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the bulbs. If the reason why the scalp aches at the roots of the hair, there is a deficit of vitamins, micro- and macro elements, the course of masks will ensure a rapid improvement in the condition. Disposal of unpleasant sensations is observed after 1-2 manipulations.

Honey mask

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Mix the vegetable fats and lightly heat them in a water bath.
  2. Add vitamin E and honey.
  3. Homogenous mass is abundantly applied to the scalp at the roots and slowly massaged.
  4. Warm the curls with a cellophane cap and a towel.
  5. After 30 minutes, wash the hair thoroughly with shampoo.
  6. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Garlic mask

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Rub yolks with honey until a small amount of foam forms.
  2. Add fresh vegetable juices and honey.
  3. Apply the formula on the scalp, do not rub.
  4. Top with a polyethylene hat.
  5. After 20-25 minutes, wash your hair with a mild organic shampoo.
  6. Repeat manipulation 2 times a week.

Nettle mask

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Grind vegetable raw materials in a meat grinder or blender.
  2. The nettle mash together with the juice is mixed with castor oil and salt.
  3. Distribute the mass over the scalp at the roots.
  4. Withstand the product on the hair for about 35 minutes.
  5. Thoroughly rinse the curls with a mild shampoo.
  6. Perform the procedure up to 3 times a week.

Scalp massage

The proposed method of treating pathology is also aimed at improving blood circulation, removing vasospasms and normalizing the work of the nervous system. What to do if the roots of hair hurt, but it is known why:

  1. Before washing your head, lightly soak the skin.
  2. Wet the handfuls of wet fingers in sea salt.
  3. Do with her a scalp massage of the epidermis.
  4. Continue the procedure for 5-6 minutes.
  5. When there is a feeling of heat, stop massaging.
  6. Wash your head with a mild shampoo.
  7. Massage done every other day for 1-6 months.

Vitamins for the roots of hair

To strengthen the bulbs and improve their functioning, you must take inside and put outwardly:

Knowing why the skin hurts at the roots of the hair, and that this indicates problems with nerve endings in the dermis, it is important to normalize their work. For this purpose, B vitamins are required:

There are also special preparations intended especially for scalp and hair roots. They contain a balanced amount of vitamins and minerals that help to eliminate discomfort and improve the condition of ringlets: