Borodino bread - calorie content

Borodino bread is one of the most popular types of black bread. Rye flour, yeast, wheat flour of second grade, rye malt, sugar, etc. all of these ingredients are used to make Borodino bread . In most cases it is sprinkled with cumin and coriander, so this bread is distinguished by its original flavor and aroma. Many fans of this product, especially those who follow their figure, are interested in how many calories are contained in Borodino bread.

Caloric content of Borodino bread

Most people believe that black bread has far fewer calories than white bread, but this is a misconception. Borodino bread contains 210 kcal per 100 g, while 100 g of white wheat bread accounts for 260 kcal, the difference is small. Borodino bread can not be called a dietary product, but it is much more useful than other flour products, so if you are in the process of losing weight, it is better to eat Borodino bread.

One of the main ingredients of this product is rye flour, and it promotes rapid assimilation of food and the normalization of all digestive processes. Coriander, which is often sprinkled with bread, helps to remove uric acid from the body, and the bran that is part of this flour product relieves constipation, so Borodino bread can serve as an excellent assistant in losing weight.

This flour product is also rich in vitamins B1 and B2, thanks to which the body is saturated with energy, so necessary during the diet. By the way, the caloric content of one small piece of Borodino bread is approximately 63 kcal, a small indicator, so during the weight loss process you can easily afford a day to eat a couple of slices of this bread, your figure will not suffer from it.