Reduction of embryos

Reduction of the embryo is an operational technique to reduce the number of fetal eggs under the control of echography in multiple pregnancies. Most often it is used in multiple pregnancies after in vitro fertilization (IVF). The probability of multiple pregnancy increases significantly after pharmacological stimulation of the ovaries and IVF. In this article, we will consider the indications and methodology for the reduction of the embryo in multiple pregnancies.

Multiple pregnancy with IVF

The procedure of in vitro fertilization is to insert several embryos (4 to 6) into the uterine cavity to make at least one. But it also happens that two or more embryos take root, and then the question arises of reduction. It also happens that one embryo is divided and identical twins will be obtained.

The number of embryos that are preserved with IVF is not more than two. Before proceeding with this procedure, a woman should take informed consent to her and warn about possible complications of the procedure, also a woman needs to be told that in case of rejection, the risks of complication of pregnancy and childbirth increase several times. It is mandatory to comply with all the rules of sanitation and hygiene, sufficient qualifications and experience of the doctor, gestational age from 5 to 11 weeks. To conduct the procedure, you must pass a detailed blood test, a test for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B and C, as well as a general urine test.

Indications for fetal reduction

Everyone knows that with multiple pregnancies, the risk to the mother and fetus increases. Children born from twins and triplets are at increased risk of infantile cerebral palsy. Women who have more than one fetus are more likely to suffer from gestosis. In addition, the probability of complicated delivery is very high: birth injury to the fetus, premature birth. Indications for fetal reduction are the presence of the uterine cavity of three or more viable embryos.

This condition may be due to:

In some cases, the reduction of the embryo can also be carried out with 2 fetal eggs in the uterus, subject to the written consent of the woman.

Multiple pregnancy after IVF can be a joyful event in the life of a woman who has been so persistently going to motherhood, but on the other hand it poses serious risks for a woman and her future children. Therefore, it is worth considering whether it is worth risking the life and health of several children or it is better to have a high chance of getting one healthy child.