Mini-pigies are unusual homemade friends

About fifty years ago, in Europe and the United States, we managed to bring out miniature piggies of mini-pigs, whose forefathers were Vietnamese pigs and miniature wild boars. Then in Italy the breeder of Morigny brought out a mini-Mayallino - a breed that is still considered to be the most miniature one. Piglets of mini-Mayallino are born with a weight not exceeding five hundred grams. The adult mumps weighs about ten kilograms. This is more than 35 times less than an ordinary pig weighs! No less popular with breeders and breeds are bergstresskernirt, vizenau, minisibs.

In the CIS countries, cute mini-pies are still exotic. This is due to certain difficulties, because growing and getting offspring is a troublesome process and not always successful. However, the hearts of millions of our compatriots still managed to win these funny ones.

General information

Strict rock standards for mini-pigs are not described today. In addition, the very concept of a breed for miniature piglets is a convention. Dwarf specimens weighing from nine kilograms, and pigs that weigh 100 kilograms, can be considered dwarf. There are also no color standards. Gray, spotted, black, pink, striped and white - it can be anything! By the way, only pigs, born black, remain so in adulthood. Mini-pigas of other colors usually acquire a darker color of fur.

In the litter of mini-pigs there can be five and twenty piglets. And they are ready for mating by the fourth month of life. By the way, the process of delivery itself is a simple procedure, but piglets should be vaccinated, as they are highly susceptible to many diseases .

Features of the content and upbringing

The first thing that will have to face someone who will lead a mini-pig house is his excessive timidity. To get used to the owner of a pig can and within a month, therefore education yet it is necessary to postpone. The pet needs caress, care and love. Do not try to squeeze it and take it in your hands, so that the piglet does not experience stress. It is better to gently scratch the baby with a barrel, neck or ears. No cries, sharp movements, unexpected touches for mini-pig! After a while, the pet will get used to family members.

At the heart of the mini-pig's training is food. The mechanical methods used in the education of dogs and cats, in this case, are ineffective. But with food you have to be careful, because overeating for the pet is harmful. Eat these decorative guinea pigs almost everything, but be sure to include in their diet fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, greens. But you can drink them only with water at room temperature, since picking up a cold for a mini-pie is a trifle.

But the first attempts to bite should be tough. Stop the piglet with the commands "You can not!" Or "No!" And always put a slap on him. Do not worry! The skin of the mini-pigs is thick, so a light slap will be perceived as a weasel. After such punishment, do not treat the pet with treats, do not stroke, so that a bad habit of biting the animal is not fixed.

Take into account, mini-pigs - noisy animals, slightly obsessive, omnivorous, like to walk and swim a lot. Once a year they need to trim the hoof so that your floors do not get scratched. If these nuances do not scare you, then you will have a sociable and friendly pet in your house that will easily get along with other pets. In addition, mini-pigs are hypoallergenic animals, so families with small children , and even asthmatics, can support them.