Lilies - varieties

Among the florists there are many fans of the lily flower, whose bushes, thanks to the variety of varieties, are an effective decoration of any flowerbed. In addition to coloring, they are distinguished by the height of the peduncles and the peculiarities of their care. Before you start planting garden lilies , you should familiarize yourself with the description of popular varieties and choose among them the best. Our article will help you in this.

All lilies have several classifications, which take into account the growing conditions, stamina, color and height of the bush. Most often they are divided into the following groups:

Let's take a closer look at which cultures belong to each group.

Species lilies

These lily varieties are wild, so their flowers have a less bright color and smaller size. They are considered more difficult to care for and prefer to disembark with small ensembles. They include:

Asian lily varieties

This is the newest variety of lilies, the variety of which there is no limit. Their popularity is enhanced by a large number of existing colors and shapes, unpretentiousness in care and endurance to weather conditions. Their only drawback is susceptibility to disease, especially botrytis. The following hybrids belong to this group:

Since there are a lot of varieties of lilies belonging to Asian hybrids, for convenience they were divided into the following subgroups: Amalie, Harlequin, Kaleidoscope, Fiesta, Tango, Brashmark, Willtigrinum.

Oriental lily

They are also called orientals. They include flowers with a gentle color, refined large form and a pleasant strong aroma. For the cultivation of eastern hybrids, certain conditions must be created. They are well suited for use in bouquets.

Orleans or tubular varieties of lilies

They have a strong smell and huge inflorescences. They must be protected from wind and precipitation, which can damage the flower. The advantage of tubular lilies is that they do not need to be transplanted . These include:

Longiflorum or long-flowered lilies

They have a large, tubular flower with a strong sweet aroma. They are intended for growing in a greenhouse, but can grow in the open ground.

Because they are non-frost-resistant, they are replaced by varieties obtained by combining hybrids.

Interspecies varieties of lilies

These are the newest varieties of lilies that appeared as a result of crossing different hybrids:

Very rare are AT- and TA-hybrids (a mixture of tubular + Asian varieties).

To achieve a truly amazing result in your flower garden, you should plant several varieties of lilies at once.