World Day of Kisses

People who fall in love feel the need to kiss the object on a subconscious level. And this sympathy does not need to arise between lovers. The first thing a woman does when she gives birth to a baby - he kisses him, pressing him to him. There is an opinion that a kiss is a phenomenon imposed by culture. This pleasant "procedure" we observe every day on the streets, on TV and even in our own house, so it is not surprising that we perceive a kiss as an obligatory element of relations.

It is logical that the kiss got its own holiday. World Kissing Day is a holiday, when the entire population of our planet honors this long tradition of contact with the lips. Officially, the International Day of Kisses was approved by the UN at the end of the last century. The day when they celebrate the holiday of kisses in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the world, it was not accidental. Every year on July 6, when summer is in full swing, humanity celebrates this unusual holiday.

Celebrating the Day of the Kiss

Traditionally, on July 6, a number of cities in the world hold festive events, romantic competitions, contests that are associated with kissing. The prizes are given to the lucky ones who managed to show the longest, most unusual and beautiful or the most passionate kiss. Probably, so many ordinary, French, airy and sudden kisses that happen on this day, you will not see! And most importantly, you will not hear any criticism for "obscene", "immoral" or "cheeky" behavior.

Interesting facts about kisses

Scientists can never give an accurate answer to the question of the world's first kiss. And if the anthropologists are kisses are reduced to banal animal sniffing, transformed for thousands of years in pleasant contact, the version of Plato is much more romantic. Ancient philosopher believed that originally a man created by Zeus had a spherical shape. But it was ugly and uncomfortable, so God stripped him into two parts, creating a man and a woman. And only a kiss can connect the two halves again into a single whole.

Whatever it was, what day would not the Day of Kisses be celebrated, do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to enjoy this amazing "procedure." Moreover, the benefits of it are obvious. Kisses soothe the nervous system, prevent stress, raise the mood, do not allow the formation of wrinkles, improve blood circulation and give sweet dreams.