Planting of Peking cabbage on seedlings

Peking cabbage is a very unpretentious and useful vegetable. Its green leaves contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Grow this cabbage is very simple. With this, no problems can cope with not only truck farmers with experience, but even summer lovers. Plant plant can be either directly into the soil, or with the help of seedlings. The planting of Peking cabbage for seedlings will accelerate the overall growth and will allow an early harvest. This variant of cultivation is discussed in more detail in this article.

Rules for planting Chinese cabbage for seedlings

In one season, you can have time to harvest two harvests of Peking cabbage, which is another plus of its cultivation. Sowing of cabbage Peking on seedlings for getting an early harvest should be done in the middle of spring. For the second crop, the seeds can be sown in early summer, around the end of June.

Ideal option for growing seedlings of Peking cabbage is planting seeds in individual peat pots whether peat tablets. This vegetable can negatively react to picking and long does not take root in a new place when planted in open ground. Therefore, the use of peat tablets will make it possible to transplant the seedling without problems, without traumatizing the roots.

Speaking about how to grow sprouts of Peking cabbage, it should be remembered that this vegetable grows better in loose soils. Therefore, a mixture of peat and turf ground, or humus and coconut substrate, is suitable for seedling. The first shoots should appear only a couple of days after sowing the seeds.

After the emergence of seedlings seedlings of Peking cabbage should be placed in a well-lit place and periodically watered, not allowing the land to remain dry. A few days before the transplantation into the open ground watering should be stopped. It is possible to transplant cabbage to a permanent place when it has 5 first leaves.