The world through the eyes of people with "color blindness"

Have you ever wondered how people see the world, well, for example, with color-blindness?

Or maybe you've heard of people with "color blindness"? No?

Then get ready, because now you will see pictures after which you will never look at everything that surrounds you, as before ...

Just do not be scared, the terms "color blindness" or "lack of color perception" does not mean that people suffering from this because of this anomaly do not distinguish colors or everything is divided for them into black and white. And even more, it turns out, 99% of people with color blindness actually see everything in color! But still ... 1 out of 12 men (8%) and 1 of 200 women (0.5%) have a color deficiency, which means that even in your street there are several people who suffer from one of the forms of "color blindness".

But now we will puzzle you even more! Deficiency of color perception is found in several variants:

Well, let's see how it all looks through special lenses, or rather, how do people see the world with "color blindness"?

1. That's how people see a set of colored pencils with ordinary eyesight ...

2. ... and so with deuteranomalia.

3. The same colors in the eyes of people with protanopia ...

4. ... with tritanopia.

5. And with full color blindness! Impressive?

6. And how do you get this fruit plate through the CVD lens?

7. But after protanopia it is dangerous to cross the road!

8. This is how people who have a deficiency in color perception see the famous logo.

9. And the rainbow ...

10. It seems like it's four different buses!

11. And what about the portraits of Frida Kahlo?

12. Do people like this see a running puppy in a field of flowers with color blindness?

13. But this is one and the same photo, only through special CVD lenses!

14. Can you believe it?

15. Even the "Simpsons" seem completely different ...

16. Such different tomatoes. Beautiful and sad at the same time!

17. Do not forget that this is the same photo!

18. Do you believe your eyes?

19. These are the sweeties of the Skittles!

20. Autumn is beautiful in all variants, but still ...

21. People who suffer from a lack of color perception, see pizza just like that!

22. Apple. Sameā€¦

23. The sunset.

24. Lavender field.

25. And by biting your favorite mouth-watering hamburger, you will now remember this photo ...