Anaphylactic shock in children

Anaphylactic shock is a rare and very dangerous reaction to an allergen that has got into the human body. This condition develops very quickly, within a few minutes or hours, and can lead to serious consequences, up to irreversible changes in internal organs and death.

Causes of anaphylactic shock

The state of shock occurs in the following cases:

Anaphylactic shock is more likely to develop in children with allergies, or with a genetic predisposition to it.

Symptoms of anaphylactic shock in children

Symptoms of this pathological condition may vary depending on the type of allergen that caused the shock. There are several forms of manifestation of anaphylactic shock:

  1. Asphyxic form is characterized by the manifestation of acute respiratory failure (spasm of the bronchi, laryngeal edema). There is also dizziness, a decrease in blood pressure until loss of consciousness. All these symptoms occur suddenly and increase over time.
  2. When the hemodynamic form affects the cardiovascular system. Develops acute heart failure, there are pains in the chest, low blood pressure, a threadlike pulse, pale skin.
  3. The cerebral form implies a reaction from the nervous system: epileptic condition, convulsions, foam from the mouth, followed by cardiac and respiratory arrest.
  4. Abdominal shock is manifested in the form of acute pain in the abdomen. If you do not give the child timely help, it can develop into intra-abdominal bleeding.

If the shock has developed due to ingestion of the allergen with food or after an insect bite, a sudden reddening of the skin, the appearance of an unusual rash.

Emergency help for children with anaphylactic shock

Everyone should know what to do with anaphylactic shock. This is especially true for parents of allergic children.

First of all you need to call for emergency help, especially if your medicine cabinet does not have the necessary drugs. Then put the child so that his legs are raised, and the head is turned to one side. If necessary, provide resuscitation.

Treatment of anaphylactic shock is as follows:

After an attack of anaphylactic shock and first aid treatment should be continued in a hospital for 12-14 days.