Anemia in Pregnancy

Anemia is the result of lowering the hemoglobin level and the number of red blood cells in the blood. Anemia in pregnancy occurs as a result of increased use of iron by the fetus provided it is insufficiently replenished due to the unbalanced nutrition of the expectant mother. And the consumption of iron increases with the growth of the baby. So, if in the first trimester a woman spends about the same amount spent as before pregnancy - two or three milligrams, then in the second trimester this figure increases to three or four milligrams a day. And in the third trimester, a woman needs to replenish at least ten to twelve milligrams of iron per day. Thus, iron deficiency during pregnancy is diagnosed, basically, at its last stage.

Causes of anemia in pregnancy

In addition to the increased consumption of iron by a growing fetus, there are factors that contribute to the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia. Among them:

Symptoms of anemia in pregnancy

The lack of iron in the woman's body is manifested by weakness and frequent dizziness, rapid fatigue, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath with the slightest physical exertion.

However, these symptoms appear even with grade 2 anemia or severe anemia. And at an easy degree the pregnant woman can not feel anything unusual. Recognize the onset of the disease can only be done using a blood test.

Degrees of severity of anemia:

  1. Easy: with her hemoglobin level is 110-90 g / l.
  2. Average: the level of hemoglobin is reduced to 90-70 g / l.
  3. Severe: the level of hemoglobin is below 70 g / l.

Thus, the norm of iron during pregnancy is 120-130 g / l.

Prevention of anemia in pregnant women

First of all, it is a full-fledged food containing the necessary amount of protein and iron. Especially useful are meat and dairy products, fruits (apples, pomegranates) and vegetables (cabbage, turnips, carrots). In cases of prevention of anemia in women at high risk of its development, the doctor prescribes iron preparations in the form of pills or tablets.

What is the risk of anemia in pregnancy?

What threatens to lack iron in pregnancy - with iron deficiency anemia develop bad dystrophic processes in the placenta and in the uterus. They lead to a violation of the placenta and, as a consequence, the formation of placental insufficiency. For an infant, anemia is dangerous because it causes it to lose enough nutrients and oxygen, which causes a delay in its development.

The opposite phenomenon of anemia - excess iron during pregnancy, is even more dangerous. Normalize the level of iron in this case more difficult than with its lack. This is due to the fact that "excess" iron is stored by the body in the liver, heart or pancreas. This condition is called hemochromatosis. Iron poisoning is expressed by diarrhea, vomiting, inflammation of the kidneys, paralysis of the central nervous system.

Excess iron content in the body can arise due to various blood diseases or long-term intake of iron-containing drugs. Iron accumulates in tissues and organs, which negatively affects the functioning of the body. In pregnant women, the excess gland leads to placental pathologies. Therefore, the intake of iron during pregnancy, its dosage and the duration of the course should be strictly stipulated by the doctor.