Enterovirus infection in children

Than just do not suffer from small children! Among the infections to which infants are exposed, a group of enteroviruses from 60 different species is distinguished, which differ in the form of percolation and pathogens. They are resistant to the influence of the external environment. This explains the prevalence of enteroviruses. But they perish from ultraviolet radiation, boiling and the action of such disinfecting solutions as formalin, chlorine.

The peak incidence of infection occurs during the warm season - the period from June to October. The virus is transmitted from person to person by airborne and by contact. Spoiling (for example, children's groups) and unsanitary conditions only contribute to the spread of infection. To a greater extent, children from 1 to 10 years old are affected by the enterovirus. Moreover, it is possible to re-infection due to the variety of pathogens. The incubation period lasts 2-10 days.

Enterovirus infection in children: symptoms

The most common form of enterovirus infection is severe diarrhea with an admixture of mucus. The disease itself usually begins acutely, as the child's condition deteriorates sharply: there is a headache, weakness and drowsiness. The patient refuses to drink and eat. It is possible to raise the temperature to 39-40 ° C. Along with enteroviral diarrhea, vomiting and nausea occur. In some cases, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract is observed, which is manifested in the reddening of the palate, pharynx and the appearance of herpetic tonsillitis, in which purulent vesicles appear on the tonsils. Against this background, lymph nodes in the neck and underarms are enlarged.

On day 2-3 after the temperature drops, one of the most characteristic symptoms of enterovirus infection in children is a rash. It affects the knees, trunk, feet in the form of spots or small pimples with areas of hemorrhage. After holding for three days, the rash usually disappears without a trace.

With some forms of enterovirus infection, paroxysmal muscular pains occur in the abdominal, thoracic and lumbar regions. This phenomenon is called epidemic myalgia.

Enterovirus infection in children: treatment

With mild forms of the disease, treatment can take place at home. For moderate to severe forms, as well as for infants, treatment in hospital is necessary.

First of all it is necessary to observe a diet when enterovirus infection in children. On the first day of acute manifestation of the disease, an abundant drinking regime is needed. To feed the kid should not. But if a child feels hungry, he is given water diluted with a rehydrone - a drug that adjusts the water-salt balance in the body. A breastfed can be offered breastmilk or a mixture, but often in small portions (30 ml). In the first days of illness, children are fed easily digestible food, fatty, fried, salted, sweet foods, smoked products, fresh vegetables and fruits, whole milk are excluded. Children from one year and older are given food often, but in small portions.

With increased diarrhea and vomiting, to prevent dehydration the child is given water every 30 minutes with a regidron, alternating with an alkaline drink (for example, Borjomi mineral water).

Strong headache and muscle pain are removed with analgesics or spasmolytic drugs (drotaverin, no-shpa, analgin). If the patient has a fever, it is knocked down by a febrifuge in a dosage appropriate to age (ibuprofen, panadol, paracetamol, nurofen, cefecon). You can use the medicine in the form of a syrup or candles.

Weakened children are prescribed immunostimulating drugs - viferon, interferon, anaferon, influferon, kipferon and others.

Reception of antibiotics is necessary only in case of a combination of enterovirus with a bacterial infection.