Macular degeneration of the eye

One of the most common causes of blindness in the elderly is macular degeneration of the eye. Unfortunately, it was not possible to establish the exact causes of the development of the disease, therefore it is almost impossible to avoid it with the attendant belonging to the risk groups.

Macular degeneration of the eye

This name unites a group of diseases that provoke a violation of central vision, the destruction of the retina and the yellow body.

Factors contributing to the emergence of pathology include:

There are suggestions that the lack of vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet, as well as smoking, are additional causes of the development of the disease.

There are 2 forms of the disease - dry and exudative (wet). The overwhelming majority of patients suffer from the first type of macular degeneration, which eventually can grow into a second type.

Macular degeneration of the eye - symptoms

Among the first clinical manifestations is a slight deterioration in vision, especially noticeable when necessary to consider small details and reading. Then the macular degeneration of the eye creates difficulties in recognizing even familiar faces, causing fogging of visual information, distortion when looking at straight lines. This is due to the gradual irreversible dystrophic changes in the macula, occurring over several years.

Wet form of macular degeneration of the retina progresses much faster and loss or deterioration of central vision is observed within 1-2 months. The reason for such a sharp development is the proliferation of blood vessels towards the yellow spot.

In addition to the above symptoms, some patients note the appearance of hallucinations, difficulties with adaptation in dark rooms, a sense of lack of lighting when working with text.

Macular degeneration of the retina - treatment

The dry form of the disease, basically, does not require treatment. Ophthalmologists only recommend adhering to a number of rules:

  1. Include in the diet more fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits.
  2. Take vitamins A and E.
  3. Use sunglasses with glass lenses.
  4. During reading, take care of good lighting, prefer large letters.

In some cases laser therapy with low-intensity radiation is used. It allows you to effectively remove drusen, slow or stop the progression of the disease, but photoreceptors do not respond to recovery.

Here's how to treat wet macular degeneration of the eye:

Treatment of macular degeneration with folk remedies

Prescription for eye drops:

  1. Wash and peel off the top of the aloe leaves.
  2. Cut the flesh, squeeze the juice.
  3. In 50 g of a liquid to dissolve 10 g of the cleared natural mummy.
  4. Bury a warm medicine in each eye 1 drop twice a day for 10 days.
  5. Repeat treatment every 30 days.

Sprouted wheat:

  1. Wheat grains washed and poured with water, wait until they let the sprouts.
  2. Crush the raw materials, place in glassware. Store it for up to 5 days in the refrigerator.
  3. In the morning before breakfast, 14 tablespoons of the product pour boiling water and leave for swelling. After adding berries or honey to improve the taste, eat the whole serving.

It is also very useful to enrich the diet with leguminous crops, adding it to hot dishes or salads.