How to get rid of sleepiness?

Drowsiness - a fairly frequent phenomenon in modern man: a fast rhythm of life, a constant change of activity tiresome and lead to the fact that in the morning, in the middle of the day and evening, eyes stick together, overcome yawning and so pulls to lie down for a couple of hours, especially after dinner or supper . What to do if you do not get to go to bed, because you need to work or study with children, do you wait for guests or are you going somewhere? How to get rid of sleepiness quickly and effectively? First, you need to determine the causes of drowsiness: it is immediate or chronic, due to weather conditions or time of day.

Chronic drowsiness

Can not you wake up in the morning? In the eyes of a burning sensation, as if sand had got into them, there is a confusion in your head and no strength for the simplest movements? During the day, do you periodically catch yourself that your eyes collapse and your head falls off? In the evening, you drink a cup of coffee after a cup, but instead of vigor you feel only a burning sensation in the stomach and a desire to take a horizontal position? Do you fall asleep while standing in the transport and sitting at the computer? You have a strong chronic fatigue, fatigue and a complete breakdown. It's time to heal. Severe drowsiness in this case is treated only with a full rest: 8-9 hours of sleep, a healthy diet, taking vitamins, walking in the fresh air and new impressions. Do not try to treat fatigue yourself - it will not lead to anything good, consult a doctor. Perhaps to get rid of sleepiness, you should be like a massage, take oxygen cocktails and medications.

Drowsiness in the morning

Do you get up in the morning? Can not have a normal breakfast, and a cup of coffee is all that you manage to push yourself through? Do you think badly in the morning, feel sluggish and tired? Do you hate the ringing of the alarm clock? You are a night owl, a person whose activity is high in the afternoon. No drug in this case will not help. How to get rid of the sleepiness of owls? Come up with a job with a free schedule (the ability to work at night and sleep off during the day) or the second shift. However, morning drowsiness may be the first sign of vitamin deficiency - in this case it is worth consulting with a doctor.

In the evening, everything sleeps ...

The sun has set and your eyes are closing? Means of drowsiness in the afternoon there. Overcome drowsiness can be in three ways: with the help of invigorating means, the influx of oxygen or water procedures and gymnastics. Naturally, the invigorating means should be treated very carefully: the use of coffee and energy drinks will spur the nervous system, and you cheer up, but you will not cost this way to overcome drowsiness. Treatment is often necessary for those who "hooked" on energy, because the constant use of invigorating drugs and the lack of adequate rest leads to the exhaustion of the body. Therefore, than to drink a third cup of coffee or a fifth jar of energy, it is better to open the window and ventilate the room well, take a cool shower, stand on the balcony or at an open window (of course, if the temperature outside the window allows) and breathe deeply, inhaling air, for 6-10 seconds, then exhale slowly as slowly. Droplet, do the torso of the trunk, swing your arms and legs. Do not need to do a full charge, just disperse the blood through the veins.

Does it make you sleep in the rain?

There's a rain outside the window, and you can not tear your head off the pillow? Do you often get sleepy in the summer before thunderstorms? Are you weather-dependent? Check your blood pressure. Most often meteozavisimy people with low blood pressure. Consult with your doctor, you will be prescribed the means to normalize the pressure. In extreme cases, drink a cup of strong black coffee, hot sweet tea or mate.

Frequent drowsiness is an alarming factor that tells you that something needs to be changed in life. Make a full medical examination, review your daily routine, ventilate the rooms in which you work and relax, do not stay close to air conditioners for a long time, walk more.