Encephalitis - symptoms

Encephalitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the brain. There are primary and secondary forms of encephalitis. The primary tick, tick, epidemic, herpes, mosquito, enterovirus and others. To secondary encephalitis are all those that arose due to influenza, abscess, measles, osteomyelitis and many other serious diseases. Also distinguish infectious, allergic and toxic encephalitis. This disease is quite different and its distribution, and the main manifestation can arise for various reasons, therefore self-medication here can not do. The first symptoms of encephalitis can occur already within two hours after infection, therefore, the disease is mandatory observed and treated only by a specialist.

Viral encephalitis - symptoms

The form of such a disease is characterized by an infectious inflammation of the brain, which was caused directly by the pathogen. The disease is accompanied by:

Herpetic encephalitis - symptoms

This form of encephalitis is caused by herpes simplex. In this case, the cortex and the white matter of the brain are affected, which is characterized by a necrotic process. In children, this form is very difficult, therefore in most cases hospitalization is required. In particular, adults have the following symptoms:

Chronic encephalitis - symptoms

Symptoms of this form of the disease can depend on many different factors, including the age of a person affects the ego manifestation. In most cases this is:

There are cases when the encephalitis of symptoms does not manifest, that is, all diseases occur in the so-called asymptomatic form. But, despite this, nevertheless, fever and mild headache can occur.

Japanese encephalitis - symptoms

This form of the disease can be characterized by different symptoms, depending on the patient's age, immunity, as well as the amount of the specific virus that caused encephalitis:

Encephalitis of the brain - symptoms

Symptoms of this form of the disease are almost the same in children and adults. As a rule, it is observed:

With the help of some procedures it is necessary to undergo CRT and MRI, as well as to determine the amount of protein in the blood, the total cellular composition and all biochemical parameters. Only after this it is necessary to take measures for the treatment of encephalitis.