Complications after sore throat

Most people at least once in life and have experienced angina and do not consider this disease dangerous. Of course, with angina, there is general weakness, severe sore throat, especially when swallowing, fever, but all these symptoms are treated in a fairly short time.

What complications does angina have?

Angina is an acute infectious disease, most often caused by streptococcal bacteria. And although inflammation of the tonsils is the most vivid symptom, if untimely or incorrectly treated, the infection can adversely affect the work of various internal organs and the whole organism.

In general, the complications after angina are usually divided into general and local:

  1. Common complications - affect the entire body. These can be abnormalities in the work of the heart, kidneys, rheumatism or the development of sepsis (blood poisoning).
  2. Local complications are manifested only in a limited area and less dangerous to health, although they can cause considerable inconvenience. Such complications include abscesses, purulent inflammations of soft tissues, otitis, swelling of the larynx or bleeding from the tonsils.

Complications of the heart after sore throat

The most common complication after angina is rheumatoid involvement of connective tissue. And if in other places the body can sometimes cope with inflammation on its own, then the heart in this case is most vulnerable.

When the heart muscle is affected, its inflammation, myocarditis, arises. When the inner sheets of the heart are affected, endocarditis develops. And with inflammation of the pericardium bag - pericarditis . These complications are accompanied by general weakness, pain in the chest, the appearance of dyspnea. Such a state can be life threatening if not taken timely measures.

Complications of the kidneys after angina

Kidneys - the second organ of those that are most often prone to complications after angina. On their part, the development of pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis is possible. These complications after angina develop fairly quickly, and their symptoms are noticeable within 1-2 weeks after the disease.

With pyelonephritis, pain in the lower back, frequent urge to urinate, fever. With glomerulonephritis there are swelling, general weakness, headache, the color of urine changes.

Treatment of diseases is carried out permanently and in the future may require medical supervision.

Local complications of angina

Hyphalic abscess is the most common complication in purulent angina. It is formed in the formation of a pus-filled cavity in the near-mandalic tissues. With abscesses there is a very strong and sharp pain in the throat, a hanging of temperature, an increase in lymph nodes, a violation of swallowing, and in time - and breathing. Treat abscesses surgically, by draining the cavity.

Complications of the ears with angina, which manifest themselves in the form of inflammation of the tympanic membrane, middle ear or mastoid process. When otitis there is a sharp pain in the ear, giving in the temple or teeth, general weakness, fever.

How to avoid complications after a sore throat?

To the disease went without consequences, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  1. During the period of illness, observe a strict bed rest (at least a week).
  2. As soon as possible, take measures to treat sore throats, and drink all the necessary drugs.
  3. To consume a large amount of liquid, this helps to remove toxins from the kidneys.
  4. During the month after the illness avoid supercooling and strong physical exertion.
  5. Take measures to strengthen immunity.
  6. After the illness, take blood and urine tests, make a cardiogram to exclude the possibility of complications or diagnose them at an early stage.