Diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon

Divergence of the sigmoid colon is a disease characterized by the formation of a variety of diverticula (protrusion of the mucosa walls). Violation of the motor function of the gut causes an increased pressure, which squeezes the shell outward. Lack of dietary fiber is a major factor in the development of the disease.

Causes of diverticulosis

Among the main factors of the disease are:

These factors can be formed against the background of the development of other pathologies. For example, muscle weakness can be a congenital ailment. Therefore, often in patients other than diverticulosis, many other pathologies are found, such as hernia, hemorrhoids , and omission of organs.

Diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon - symptoms

The most marked signs of the disease are:

In some patients, the symptoms may be weak and not manifest themselves, while others may experience cramping pain that increases after eating.

Absence of treatment can worsen the course of the disease and cause intestinal obstruction, bleeding, the formation of intestinal fistula. The most dangerous consequence is the development of bowel cancer.

How to treat diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon?

The method of controlling the disease depends on the stage of diverticulosis. If it is mild, the patient may be prescribed a special diet and preparations Festal and Cerucal. To get rid of diarrhea appoint Biseptol.

If the diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon is complicated, then its treatment involves the following procedures:

To therapy with antibiotics resorted only in the absence of the effect of the above procedures. In severe stages of diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon, an operation is performed. To surgical intervention resorted in such cases:

During the operation, the damaged part of the intestine is removed and an anastomosis is formed. After that, the patient is injected with antibiotics and drains (techniques for improving the outflow of pus and fluid) of the abdominal cavity.

Diet with diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon

The main principle of the diet is the increase in the diet products containing fiber . Most of all plant fibers are found in such products:

In order not to irritate the intestines, foods rich in fiber are recommended to be pre-cooked (cooked or steamed).

To avoid exacerbations, it is important to exclude from the usual menu such dishes:

Patients are recommended together with food to take bran and fiber, mixing them with drinks or adding to ready-made meals.

To prevent constipation and normalize the work of the intestine, it is important to drink six glasses of water a day, drink more juices, and eat more soups.

Doctors are advised also to switch to separate nutrition with sigmoid diverticulosis. Such a diet will facilitate the assimilation of products.