Chicken fillet in Chinese

To prepare chicken fillet in Chinese, recipes can be used different, however several basic ingredients should be at hand. Of course, in the first place, you should take care of buying a very high-quality chicken fillet. Of the other ingredients, you must necessarily have something sweet - it can be honey, molasses, sugar, something sour - usually used fruit juice (lemon, orange), vegetables and quality oil, odorless. In addition, all Chinese dishes are cooked on high heat quickly enough, so if you like Chinese cuisine, buy a frying pan with high sides and a small bottom - wok.

Chicken with garnish

Two in one - this is usually said about a dish in which the first and second are combined. In our case, we cook meat and garnish right away - chicken fillet with vegetables in Chinese allows you to cook lunch or dinner in one fell swoop.



  1. We clean onions and carrots, garlic and pepper (we remove the seeds and septums).
  2. Shink onion and garlic as small as possible. Carrots and sweet peppers should be cut into thin long strips. The sharp pepper must also be finely chopped or grinded in a mortar into a gruel.
  3. Cut the meat into thin strips across the fibers.
  4. We prepare marinade from wine, soy sauce, lemon juice and honey. Well mix all the ingredients, you can sprinkle a little and add a pinch of freshly ground black pepper. In this marinade we sip the pieces of meat.
  5. After a quarter of an hour, add all the remaining ingredients and mix well.
  6. Marinuem for about an hour, and then we throw to the colander and leave to drain.
  7. Heat the oil to a haze. Fry our mixture on high heat, stirring vigorously.
  8. We serve, laying on the lettuce leaves, decorated with chopped parsley, dill, green onions.

About options

If you want to get more dense or you do not drink alcohol, cook the chicken fillet in the starch in Chinese. The recipe will change somewhat.



  1. Mix the starch with flour and, gradually adding water, prepare the batter. In it, dip chicken and deep-fry.
  2. As you can see, if you include fantasy, you can cook chicken fillets in Chinese very differently.